Can't Relate Meme : I Have No Bug Spray
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The Sims games are popular and fun, however, they are also prone to weird occurrences that result in hilarious memes.
Life simulation games are designed to be emulations of real-life but faster and more streamlined. They are intended to give players a way to experience a fictional life full of romance, success, and the most fantastic houses that one can imagine.
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Out of all the titles in this genre, The Sims games are arguably the most popular and fun, however, they are also the most prone to weird occurrences that result in hilarious memes. Whether due to one's Sim refusing to cooperate or there being an unexpected physics glitch, this series of simulation games are greatly enjoyable for both intended gameplay and the memes borne from unintended features.
10 No Survival Instincts
Sometimes the pathing of one's Sims betrays them and ends up causing trouble. One such scenario where this could be disastrous is when there is a fire raging nearby. Most of the time, the nearby Sims will react on their own to either put out the flames or flee, though, not always.
9 Noticeable Clipping
This photo is likely showing a bench that was built around and into a boulder, however, it is also the perfect image to represent what it's like when solid objects in The Sims glitch out and overlap one another. While this creates unique pieces of modern art, it can be inconvenient as the hitboxes of these wonky items can prevent certain areas from being accessed.
8 Gaming Priorities
Parties can be a great way to increase one's connection with other Sims and offer a great way to mix, chat, dance, and flirt with interesting neighbors and new friends. Though, some guests clearly have other intentions, as a few will make a direct line for one's computer. It is clear these individuals value playing video games and checking their email more than hanging out with other people, and, honestly, it's kind of hard to blame them for that.
7 No One Was Even Asking...
It's always nice when a loading screen offers up useful tidbits of information, however, the opposite can be entertaining, albeit unhelpful.
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The Sims has quite a lot of mechanics and scenarios that can unfold organically and in a complex manner, many of which the game will try to hint at the player through loading screen tips. But out of context, these just seem like silly references.
6 Get A Job
While post-secondary education is an important step for many people heading into the working world, it is not necessary to make a living, especially in The Sims universe. Why go to school to become an accountant when one's Sim can literally become a super-cool rockstar, a brave and noble superhero, or any other number of crazy, fantastic careers.
5 Always Room For More Plants
The majority of gamers who play The Sims will spend hours decorating and organizing their Sim's home to be aesthetically perfect, however, what constitutes "perfect" can vary quite a bit. While being more nature-friendly can offer a pleasant, fresh scent into the homes of many, it can be argued that dozens of potted plants may hinder a Sim's pathing and become detrimental in emergencies.
4 Please Remove These Things From The Franchise
Over the course of the franchise's long history, there have been plenty of strange and frankly frightening inclusions that always make gamers cringe or flinch at the mere sight.
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While the unfortunate pregnancy "clothes" and premade characters are simply unpleasant to behold, the wealth of nightmare fuel in terms of clowns, creepy statues, and freaky concepts will likely make many gamers want to burn down their Sim's house and start fresh somewhere else.
3 Unsanitary Cleaning
To a Sim, a sink is a sink, regardless of where it is. This further proves that the AI simply does not consider where things are when making decisions. For this same reason, one's Sims apparently seem completely comfortable using toilets and showers that are in an open area and other feats that would be highly inappropriate in real life. Though, to be fair, at least real-world planning offers more sensible pathing for flesh and blood humans instead of toilets on a roof or sinks only in private areas.
2 Why Unemployed Sims Are More Fun
Ever since the inception of the series, working Sims have always left an annoying gap in gameplay where the player must spend time fiddling around with furniture and interior design while their Sim is working. That is unless they have multiple Sims living in the same house and at least one or more are unemployed. There are only so many plants that can be placed and paintings moved until one grows impatient and lonely while waiting for their Sim to return home so that the player can resume meddling in their life.
1 The Epitome Of Playing The Sims
This last meme represents the core of The Sims experience in that one's Sim will prioritize having fun and celebrating over very obvious safety concerns. It is baffling how a character can simply ignore a raging inferno consuming their own home in favor of dancing about (while still garbed in firefighting clothes) and possibly hanging out with some friends as well as eating cake. Thankfully, if things get too messy, players can always skip town and start a new life with new Sims.
NEXT: The Sims 4: Every Neighborhood, Ranked
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