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23+ Baby Yoda Memes Smoking - Factory Memes.
Maxis gave us the chance to create new species and lead cities fearlessly into the future with its wide variety of simulators, but none of them have had the wacky, wide-spread appeal of the now-Electronics Arts owned Sims franchise. Whether you're a casual player who just wants to check in on Mortimer and Bella Goth every once in a while or a hardcore Sims devotee with loads of expansion packs and folders bursting with custom content, The Sims has been a fun digital dollhouse for nearly 20 years.
The charm of The Sims is not just in the fantasy of sky-rocketing to pop superstardom or achieving home-ownership. It's in the wacky language and weird AI that EA seems to push to even wackier limits with each installment of The Sims. And of course, there's the myriad ways especially devious players can orchestrate early ends for their least favorite Sims under suspicious circumstances. Players across the world are constantly sharing the weirdest moments from their games, and CBR has collected 20 of the wildest Sims memes to remind you of just how dark this game can get. As they say in Simlish, "Veena fredishay!" Let’s play!
Wouldn't it be great to be as invulnerable as a Sim? Sure, there are plenty of ways for a Sim to meet an unfortunate end, but they're shockingly resilient, as this meme hilariously shows. If your Sim is a low-level cook, it's easy for that simple grilled cheese to turn into a Sim flambé. Let's be real though: we've all been there in our own real kitchens, and that's what makes this meme so relatable.
There's so much to learn from this poor Sim. Don't cook in a bikini, keep a fire extinguisher handy, and maybe train your family and friends to understand that "extremely singed and surrounded by smoke" is a call for help and not just this season's hot new look. Does this count as a charcoal mask?
The Sims games treat the death of your poor characters with all the dignity and decorum they deserve, even under more unusual circumstances. In the moment of their passing, the game will offer a somber in memoriam to help you mourn, leading to cringe-worthy (or maybe inspirational) moments like the one immortalized in this particular meme. Yes, that's right, even a Sim can be overcome by deadly passion.
Usually "death by woohoo" just means you've had your Sim get their freak on a few too many times without stopping to check on their other needs, like food or even just a minute to rest. If you're ever inspired to get in a little marathon woohooing of your own, drink plenty of water and take a few naps. An IRL memoriam like this probably wouldn't have the same goofy appeal.
Kids do the darnedest things, even in The Sims! You can help your Sim kids get into all kinds of fun, child-friendly hijinks with the help of countless expansion packs. With The Sims: Seasons expansion pack, your Sim family can even learn to build a few different kinds of fun snowmen. Then there's the spooky snow reaper in this meme.
He's a very real snowman, by the way! In The Sims 3: Seasons, your Sims are able to build different types of snowmen based on their attributes. Unfortunately for elderly Sims or Sim families that have recently lost a family member (including pets), that means there's a good chance you might wind up with this wintery Grim Reaper taking up residence in your yard for the winter. Is it spring yet?
Speaking of rambunctious kids... it's true that Sims players have a lot of ways to choose to keep their family Brady Bunch cute, but sometimes your more nefarious choices can come back to haunt you. If you give up a baby in The Sims because it's not cute enough for family photos, do you deserve this kind of comeuppance?
Sims that leave your family don't automatically disappear from the game. A prodigal Sim can pop up anywhere as a coworker or new neighbor or, in the case of this slightly spooky meme, your Sim child's new best friend from school. Did the rejected Sim child recognize their birth family? Is this the start of a decades-long, Single White Female style slow burn revenge arc? Only time will tell.
These baby stories just get weirder and weirder. Imagine loading up the Tumblr app, taking a casual scroll through the dashboard, and stumbling across this gem about... a trapped baby? There are plenty of eyebrow-raising circumstances in The Sims. Most of them are pretty recognizable -- build a pool and remove the ladders! -- but it's easy to see why this person felt compelled to go back and clarify.
This meme captures at least three of the weirdest unintended features of The Sims: hiding a fussy baby, locking a Sim somewhere by removing the exits, and trapped NPCs who wind up unable to fulfill their one true purpose thanks to the player's actions or quirky glitches. It's possible those CPS agents are still in that Sim house, wandering around to this day, waiting for the door to turn back up.
There are two types of people in the world: those that play The Sims for the fun of raising a nice, goofy family, and those that play The Sims for the fun of making that family's life as complicated and miserable as possible. This meme captures them both. The daily grind? Only a truly callous Sims player could look at a monstrous hedge maze like this and call it a grind!
No, merciless god is way more accurate. It took seven hours to walk to the car and back, meaning this poor Sim spends 14 hours a day just trying to get to and from work, and one hour a day on the job. How can anyone even afford to maintain these hedges on a pay check like that?
This one feels familiar, right? The winter chill is still in the air and the blankets are so warm and comfortable that staying in bed almost sounds better than just getting up for breakfast. What if you could just stretch your face out to the kitchen, the way this Simfant is trying to do? Sims glitches are an especially unsettling genre of The Sims meme.
Every once in a while, either through a game bug or issues with custom content, a Sim's body just takes on a weird new life of its own. This one is pretty relatable though. Everyone's dreamed about how great it would be to have the fantastic elastic abilities this little Sim has developed. This meme just goes to show we should be careful what we wish for.
Speaking of goals, when you boot up a family in The Sims, how closely do your goals line up with this trolling chart? Plenty of players pick up the game to create fantastical worlds where they can be a benevolent force for good in the fleeting digital lives of their Sim charges. Then there's everyone else, who loads up the game to wreak havoc without consequence.
Whether you're locking your Sims in the basement or stirring up soap opera style turmoil by goading your Sim into woohooing themselves to death with someone who isn't their spouse, there are plenty of ways to cause unimaginable chaos in the wide-ranging world of The Sims. There's no harm in needing to blow off a little steam though. After all, what happens in The Sims stays in The Sims!
And here's a little of that chaos: the most infamous chaotic evil Sims activity of all time. Sims work tough jobs at long hours to bring home those sweet Simoleans, and it's up to players to be responsible caretakers of their funds. Build a comfortable house, create a beautifully manicured lawn, install a luxurious pool ...
Then, after you've lured in a Sim or two with the promise of some cool relaxation on a hot summer's day, you just delete the ladders. Sure, it's a little callous. Sims can hang out for a surprisingly long time before they meet their unfortunate end. But if there's a rogue Sim wreaking havoc in the lives of your family, what better way to get revenge on them than with this devious trick?
Depending on where you live, this meme is closer to chaotic or lawful neutral than downright evil. There are plenty of custom mods that will allow your Sims to get into all kinds of devious activities. Sometimes, though, Sims will get themselves into weird spots all by themselves, with no player intervention needed. This guy seems to have found a great place to stash himself.
The meme's puns aside, what could be so appealing about a spot like this for a Sim looking to take a load off at the end of the long day? Furniture in The Sims isn't known for being the most avant garde or stylish, but this hot seat is really taking things too far. Just because the seats aren't cute doesn't mean they won't be way more comfortable.
The Sims lets you pursue all your dreams, from home-ownership to glamorous careers in art, television, or petty crime. Thanks to custom content, players can create almost any Sim they want. Load up the characters of Riverdale and see what takes shape, and then create yourself to give Archie a choice besides Betty and Veronica. Tall, short, covered in faces, The Sims gives players almost limitless choices!
Yes, we did say covered in faces. The Sims glitches manage to generate some seriously impressive (and truly disconcerting) body horror, like this strange body where the head seems to have taken a trip down the spine. Who are we to judge, though? Maybe someone just really wanted to invite the Face of Boe over for a nice dinner.
Sometimes a Sim glitch just feels too real. This is definitely one of those glitches. At first glance, the sight of an arm through a Sim's midsection might be good for a chuckle, but this meme is 100% accurate. Cramps are a sucker punch right to the gut.
Hopefully, most people don't have room for comparison when it comes to whether or not cramps are "arm of your housekeeper lodged straight through your midsection" bad, but honestly? They probably are. If you've got someone in your life who has to deal with this feeling once a month, be extremely nice to them. If you can get past the wacky comedy of a maid's misplaced elbow, this meme definitely has a few valuable life lessons it can offer.
Much like the bendy baby earlier in this list, this Sim has found an exciting way to make their life even more efficient. Forget bending! Forget lifting! Real heroes strengthen their cheeks to the point of being able to pucker their whole face directly into the bowl from an upright position. This meme proves it: there's absolutely nothing creepy about ambition.
At a second glance though, the star of this meme does bear a suspicious resemblance to the spies of Spy vs. Spy fame with their curious conical face. Some great Spy vs. Spy custom content would surely be a great way to spice up a game of The Sims. Is this a cook whose taste testing has gone awry, or a clever spy whose mask has started to slip?
Like most video games, The Sims can be a great way to let off some steam at the end of a difficult day. Whether you just want to run the game at high speed and help Sims move up the career ladder as fast as possible or even just spend an hour or two redecorating their house, The Sims offers a low-key outlet for any kind of frustrations.
Of course, any kind of frustration includes the ones that come from dealing with real people day in and day out. The powerful character creator gives players the ability to not just introduce versions of their favorite fictional characters into the neighborhood, but as this meme shows, their exes as well. Hey, if setting a Sim house on fire is what helps you move on, who are we to judge?
So far we've given examples of Sim bodies gone haywire, but sometimes the most unsettling glitches are the ones that barely change anything at all. Imagine you're approaching a hot tub on a beautiful moonlit night, ready to spend a little alone time with someone special... only to come face-to-face with this unusual display. Are you still climbing in for a night of romantic relaxation, or would this have you wishing you'd swiped left?
Now, everyone is different. Folks have all kinds of physical quirks! But there's something about the combination of this Sim's intense eyes, not to mention the fact that his hand seems to have turned itself inside his arm (check out that thumb), that makes it seem like a bad idea to spend much time alone with him. This might be a delete the ladder moment.
Ouch! This meme is a little too real -- feel free to scroll on by if this one hits too close to home! One feature of The Sims is the ability to check out your Sims' personality traits, which impact everything from their career aptitude and social life to what kinds of snowmen they can build in expansion packs like The Sims 3: Seasons.
While it's probably great for a Sim to never have to reflect on the way their personality impacts their day to day life, this meme lays things out so starkly that it's hard not to feel called out. It's hard to believe anyone could be single just because they're a cat person, but some of these other personality traits would certainly do it. How many of these boxes would you check?
Of course, another reason someone might be single is because their partner died right in the middle of a photo booth session, instantly turning into a ghost. It usually isn't that much of a surprise when a Sim passes on: they're exhausted, hungry, or of course, have had any number of nefarious things done to them as outlined in this list. Hauntings aren't that weird either. They should probably be expected when the Grim Reaper shows up to escort Sims to the other side!
What is weird, though, is having a Sim die in the middle of an activity and wind up memorializing their ghost forever. Players can decorate their Sims' houses however they'd like, but having a haunted set of photos take up pride of place in a living room seems like a spooky decision. This would tick up the evil" in a Sim's personality trait for sure.
Custom content creators for The Sims are some of the most talented and underappreciated digital creators on the internet. Some creators can work magic with the 3-D design tools it takes to create new outfits, furniture, and even entire Sims models for other players to enjoy. Some creators, however, work dark magic, delivering weird and wild creations that rival Frankenstein's monster when it comes to making us ask, "Just because we can, does that mean we should?"
In the case of this utterly bizarre Sims incarnation of everyone's favorite meme speed demon, the answer is absolutely no. This is one time when we don't gotta go fast: this creator should have slowed down, and maybe just stopped completely. There's something truly haunting about this Sims meme that will have you rethinking all of your character creation choices the next time you boot up the game.
Sometimes your simulated life spirals out of control, and there's only one thing left to do. The Sims will let players inflict all manner of weird circumstances on their Sims, including ones that can result in their early demise -- but every single time, the game gives players a chance to reconsider their decisions and offer mercy to the digital townsfolk of the neighborhoods they've created.
Sure, the kinds of players who are going to delete all those ladders and doors are the kinds of players who are going to click accept here without hesitation. But surely there are players who take a moment to consider all the good times: the increasingly beautiful paintings their Sims create, the sweet or spooky snowmen that have turned up in their yards, all those hours spent reading just for one promotion. What choice would you make?
Of all the Sims memes on this list, this might be the darkest one of all. The Sims offers all kinds of escapism, from the weird (Bizzaro Sonic) to the light-hearted. The craziest might be getting to help someone land a full time job that they keep through retirement, where they make enough money to not only buy a house, but keep building onto it forever, Sarah Winchester style.
While the weirder elements of The Sims are probably the biggest draw for most players, there's something engaging and delightful about a virtual dollhouse with limitless resources. The Sims players have created some of the most interesting and eye-popping mods for almost any game, giving everyone who picks it up the chance to push their imaginations to the limit at the click of a button. Maybe we can get an avocado toast mod next.
Anyone that’s spent their fair share of time at the race track can tell you that piloting a machine on a closed, purpose-built circuit is one of the most exhilarating and rewarding experiences on the planet. However, this same group of track day enthusiasts is also privy to the lengthy list of downsides tied to amateur motorsports, such as the physical danger it exposes drivers to and the exorbitant costs that the sport requires for items like safety gear, track fees, the race vehicle itself, and the maintenance, race fuel, tires, and other spares that these machines require. As computer and gaming technology has rapidly evolved over the last decade or so, we’re now seeing a growing number of high-end racing simulation rigs that afford remarkably lifelike and realistic driving experiences in turkey packages that can be enjoyed from the comfort and safety of your own home. While once a fairly niche segment, the influx in popularity of racing sims has ultimately given rise to an increasingly impressive and cutting-edge array of rigs, with moving platforms that pitch and raw, replicating the sensation of g-forces, wrap-around (or VR) displays, and ultra-lifelike control setups with real steering wheels, race seats, three-pedal systems, and hydraulic e-brakes, and H-pattern (or paddle) shifters. In fact, modern sims are so advanced that many of today’s most elite drivers routinely utilize these rigs as a means of training in lieu of traditional track time. And with more state-of-the-art options to chose from than ever before, we’ve thoroughly delved into the space, rounding up the most advanced systems on the market to deliver this guide to the best home racing sim rigs.
The Sum Of Its Parts Breaking Down The Components That Comprise A Sim Racing Rig
Before buying a rig, it helps to understand the basic anatomy of a complete system as well as the individual parts that comprise it. Below we’ll briefly touch on the primary components that constitute a complete sim racing rig.
Cockpit Or Frame: Also known as a “cockpit,” this component is the backbone and frame of a sim racing rig, and as such it accommodates and supports the rest of the rig’s accompanying hardware.
Monitor: The monitor or display acts as a sim racer’s virtual windshield and can hugely vary in size and picture quality. Curved displays have become increasingly popular amongst sim racers, as have triple monitor setups that wrap around the driver. Some racers also opt for using VR headsets, as it can be a cheaper alternative to a cutting-edge display that doesn’t compromise on immersion or realism.
Pedals: Mounted at the base of the frame, the foot controls — or pedals — are an instrumental element on any racing sim rig, and like those found in real cars, are often hydraulic and made from metal. Some of these pedal devices offer tactile feedback, as well as a third (clutch) pedal.
Seat: A racing sim rig’s seat is often included with the cockpit, though this isn’t always the case. In addition to being adjustable, seats can be modular, and as such can be upgraded. This is important depending on the type of racing you plan on doing, as an F1 sim driver will want a markedly more reclined seating position than that of a GT racer.
Steering Wheel and Wheel Base: The steering wheels on modern racing sim rigs are nothing short of true feats of engineering, affording wildly lifelike tactile feedback and response and allowing for wildly precise control inputs. When looking at this area, you’ll want to explore wheel-bases just as closely as you will with steering wheels themselves. Steering wheels with wheelbases equipped with direct drive motors will afford the most lifelike and powerful feedback and are unequivocally the nicest — and most expensive — sim racing wheels that money can currently buy.
Shifters & Emergency Brakes: Though considered somewhat of a premium option, hand shifters and emergency brakes hugely add to a racing sim rig’s level of realism and allow their user to enjoy banging through the gears — sometimes with an H-pattern gate or a sequential shifter — or drift their sim cars. And, just like with steering wheels, these are incredibly advanced pieces of tech, offering tactile feedback and often being of the hydraulic variety.
Racing Rig Types 101 The Main Types Of Racing Simulation Setups
Though most utilize similar control setups, there are several main types of sim racing rigs that are on the market. Below, we’ll be poring over the primary kinds of rig setups that are currently available.
Wheel Stand: This is the most basic, entry-level style of rig, and consists of a piece of a framework that supports a steering wheel and is placed in front of a regular TV or display. These minimalistic setups require the least amount of space — and financial investment — and often come equipped with mounts of foot pedals. Unlike traditional full rigs, these stands don’t include a seat and instead rely on the user sitting in a chair or on a couch.
Full Frame: The most common type of rig, a full-frame setup is built atop a robust chassis and includes the steering wheel mount and base, pedal mounts (and often a shifter mount), a rack to accommodate a display (or displays), and a race seat. These systems are more lifelike than their entry-level counterparts, afford greater rigidity, and ultimately afford a markedly more immersive sim racing experience.
Monocoque & Replica Cockpits: Some full-frame rigs take things one step further by wrapping the race seat, chassis, and controls in a partial shell, whether it be that of a classic Italian car or a contemporary Formula One racer. While more expensive, these replica cockpit setups further increase immersion and typically are much more pleasant to look at or display than the skeleton of a traditional full framer.
Turnkey Rigs: Unlike most racing sims that are custom pieced together by their owner, turnkey racing sims consist of bundled complete setups that include everything needed to go sim racing. These systems offer a number of clear benefits, though two of the biggest are removing much of the headache and legwork involved in researching and building out your own sim, and guaranteeing hardware and software compatibility across the entire setup.
A Digital Racer’s Buyer’s Guide What Factors To Consider When Buying A Racing Sim
With prices that regularly extend well into five-figure territory, purchasing a rig for sim racing games is a major investment. As such, it’s extremely important to be armed with the necessary info in order to know what to look for and ultimately determine which rig is right for you. So, with this in mind, we’ve compiled a list of the 13 most important areas to take into account before buying a rig.
Consoles & CPUs: A sim racing rig’s chassis and controls comprise the skeleton and appendages of the setup, though its brain is undoubtedly the system the entire configuration is running off of, whether this is a PC or console. Today’s latest next-gen consoles like the PS5 and Xbox Series X are more convenient and user-friendly, though lack the upgradable and customizable nature inherent to PC CPUs. Those running their rigs off of a PC also have the option of piecing together their own custom CPUs, selecting individual components to optimize performance.
Software: Choosing a console or PC to run your sim rig on will not only impact areas such as graphics, physics, and realism, but this fundamental element will also determine which software titles (i.e. games) will be compatible with your setup. Assetto Corsa Competizione, iRacing, rFactor 2, and KartKraft, are all immensely popular game choices among PC sim racers while Gran Turismo Sport, F1 2021, Project Cars 2, Dirt Rally 2.0, and Forza 7 are some of the most widely used titles with next ben console owners.
Components: Because complete sim racing rigs are no more than the sum of their parts, the individual components that comprise each system is of utmost importance. As a result, manufacturers very seldom fail to cite extensive specs on each piece of hardware. Likewise, turnkey rigs will always include detailed lists of every element that they contain, though it’s also worth noting that many turnkey units are sold directly by the manufacturer with various optional upgrades.
Chassis & Form: Often referred to as a racing sim rig’s “cockpit,” the frame that a setup is built around is of immense importance as it accommodates the controls and display. These chassis setups can wildly vary in size, weight, and rigidity, as well as other areas such as how far back the driver is reclined. And, while most frames are of the skeleton chassis-style variety, there are sim racing rigs that come complete with partial (actual) cockpits that the user literally has to climb inside of. This latter group of rigs costs a good deal more, though undeniably add yet another layer of realism to an already tremendously lifelike driving experience.
Hardware Compatibility: In the same way controllers and accessories don’t offer cross-platform compatibility, many components that comprise racing sim rigs can’t be used together. For this reason, we can’t overstate how tremendously crucial it is to look into the individual compatibility of each part in order to ensure the entire systems works together. A lot of this comes down to the port, plug, and connection types, which makes this an easier area to explore, though confusion surrounding compatibility is also another reason that a lot of racing enthusiasts choose to opt for turnkey rigs where all the comparability-related legwork has already been done for you.
Tactile Feedback: Alongside ultra-lifelike physics and graphics, today’s latest and greatest racing sim rigs also offer unparalleled tactile realism thanks to systems that afford the user physical feedback. This includes rigs built atop moving platforms that pitch and yaw in order to mimic the G-forces experienced in a race car, as well as steering wheels and pedals with tactile feedback, and even seatbelts with built-in tensioners that replicate the sensation of being in a moving vehicle.
Rigidity: Whether behind the wheel of an actual track car or helming a virtual racer, the driver needs to exhibit incredibly deliberate and precisely controlled inputs, especially because race machinery tends to be ridiculously powerful with ultra-potent powertrains and ridiculously sensitive steering and braking inputs. For these reasons, a racing sim rig’s chassis needs to afford little to no “flex,” making rigidity ridiculously important — especially when running a rig that offers tactile feedback. This area largely comes down to how the frame was constructed, the materials it is crafted from, and whether or not elements like the steering wheel, shifter, or pedal mounts of braced or reinforced.
Materials: In the motorsport world, precious, high-end materials like various metal billet and carbon fiber are widely utilized, and it’s no different in the racing sim realm. Many of today’s leading hardware brands offer items crafted from these top-shelf constructions such as race seats with carbon fiber seat-backs, carbon steering wheels with titanium or magnesium paddle shifters, CNC-machined shifters and pedals. The type of material used for the frame also plays a major role in its overall rigidity, with extruded aluminum being a go-to choice amongst several industry leaders.
Upgradability: The vast majority of sim racing rigs are modular in nature, with individual pieces, parts, and components being able to be swapped out or upgraded (so long as the items are compatible with each other). For those interested in dipping their toes into the world of sim racing without spending a fortune, we’d recommend purchasing a more affordable rig that can be up-specced over time, assuming your passion for the hobby grows.
Versatility: While racing sim rigs are objectively expensive, one way to help stretch your dollar and give you better bang for your buck is to buy a setup that’s compatible with multiple types of racing or even multiple types of simulations. Some sim racing rigs can have their steering wheels and pedals swapped out for a yoke and flight controls in order to be used for aviation sims like Microsoft Flight Simulator X, GeoFS, and Aerofly FS.
Dimensions: This may sound obvious, but, just like with pool tables, buyers of racing sim rigs are often surprised by the immense physical dimensions of full systems. Not only can full-sized rigs take up quite a bit of square footage, but (again, just like with a pool table), these rigs also require some additional space surrounding them in order to comfortably access and climb in and out of. It’s also important to note that the rigs with moving platforms will require even more room. And, though they do tend to lack the rigidity of traditional racing sim rig frames, there are apartment-friendly folding and collapsible setups that can be stowed away in a closet.
Accessories: When purchasing a sim racing rig, it’s also worth exploring the myriad of accessories and peripherals offered in the space. This is because items such as driving gloves and racing shoes afford their wearer the same benefits as they do when being utilized in an actual race car, bolstering grip, control, and tactile feedback. Another cool aspect of this area is that many of the accessories used for sim racing can also be used during IRL track days.
Price: Each component that comprises modern racing sim rigs are objectively advanced, wildly sophisticated, and cutting-edge pieces of technology, and as such these pieces quickly add up in price when purchased together. Buying these items in bundles or turnkey packages often comes with at least a slightly discounted price. There are also lower-specced options on the market that stand out as being more affordable, though at the end of the day you typically get what you pay for — at least up to a point (which is typically around the $50,000 mark). Some of the most high-end rigs on the market even boast MSRPs that are greater than that of the latest model year Porsche 911, going well into six-figure territory.
Racing Sim Rig MVPs The Best Racing Simulation Rigs Currently On The Market
Now that you’re up to speed on the different parts that comprise a rig, the different types that exist, and what to look for when shopping, let’s dive into our choices for the finest sim racing rigs currently available.
Stilo ST5VR Helmet
Made by renowned Italian helmet manufacturer Stilo, the ST5VR is an actual auto racing helmet with a visor and shell that’s been modified to accept an Oculus Rift VR headset. Made from the same premium materials as Stilo’s standard ST5 helmet range, the ST5VR is a less costly alternative to traditional displays that still allows for an incredibly immersive simulated racing experience. It is probably worth noting that this helmet is not certified for actual race or track day use.
Purchase: $352
Next Level Racing F-GT Cockpit
Next Level Racing’s F-GT model is a solid yet affordable cockpit that can be set up in GT or F1-style seating positions. Constructed around a laser-cut and robot-welded carbon steel chassis, this cockpit features a fully adjustable steering wheelbase, shifter, and pedal mounts that are pre-drilled and were designed to accommodate high-end hardware like direct drive wheels. Utilized by various professional esports teams, this full-frame setup is compatible with wheels, pedals, and shifters from leading brands in the industry like Thrustmaster, Fanatec, Simxperience, and Logitech.
Purchase: $499
Fanatec Rennsport Cockpit V2
Fanatec is, without a shadow of a doubt, one of the most eminent names in the sim racing hardware realm. The brand’s second-generation Rennsport cockpit is a high-end and heavily customizable full-frame platform that users can configure using a selection of seats, hardware, and accessories. Weighing under 70lbs, the Rennsport V2 cockpit features a roll-cage-inspired powder-coated tubular solid aluminum frame with a slew of adjustable elements. This rig is also compatible with most high-end pieces of sim racing hardware.
Purchase: $1,180
Brimming with top-of-the-line hardware, this plug-and-play system is built around SPARCO’s Evolve Cockpit and features a SPARCO EVO II racing seat, Thrustmaster TS-XW steering wheel and pedals, a 49” curved HDR-4K Samsung monitor mounted on SPARCO’s TM-STAND1 monitor stand, and a Logitech K400 Plus wireless keyboard and trackpad. The is based on an MSI Infinite X with Intel Core I7. It is pre-loaded with Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition (with Steam License). Also included is a Samsung Ultrawide 4K 49” curved monitor mounted to a SPARCO Monitor stand. The entire system runs off of an Intel Core I7-equipped SPARCO Edition PC AK-RIG that comes pre-loaded with Assetto Corsa Ultimate Edition.
Purchase: $6,999
Cool Performance Formula Simulator
Built by hand in the UK, this turnkey rig from Cool Performance is constructed around a powder-coated aluminum chassis that’s backed by a lifetime warranty. Running off of a top-shelf water-cooled PC, this impressive package includes a leather and suede-covered multi-way adjustable race seat, a top-of-the-line SimSteering Force Feedback system that packs more than 19ft-lbs of torque output, a hydraulic pedal system supported by an electronically adjustable positioning system, and a quick-release competition steering wheel with paddle shifters. Optional upgrades on this system include a tactile feedback system, Quaife sequential or H-pattern gear shifters, and a D-Box Motion System that affords 1.5” of travel movement for the chassis.
Purchase: $33,800
VRXsim Platinum Package
VRXsim’s Platinum Package rig is the result of the Barcelona-based brand setting out to deliver an all-in-one turnkey system using the finest hardware and componentry currently available. Comprising this ready-to-race rig is a carbon fiber seat and display triple display stand accommodating a triple 65″ 4K QLED TV setup, a top-shelf direct-drive wheelbase, Heusinkveld Pro pedals, and a booming 500-watt 5.1 THX digital surround sound speaker system. This spare-no-expense rig is also compatible with VR headset integration. At the heart of the rig is a Pro Motion 3DOF U-Series platform with a 3,6GHz Intel i7-9900K processor, 32GB of RAM, a 1TB SSD HHD, and an 11GB MSI RTX2080ti graphics card.
Purchase: $36,525
Vesaro VR Stage 5 Simulator
Vesaro’s VR Stage 5 rig is an objectively high-end sim that takes a spare-no-expense approach in order to achieve the most immersive driving experience possible. In addition to wearing an Oculus Rift VR headset, this rig’s user is positioned atop one of Vesaro’s Signature Cobra Imola Pro GT seats that ride on a D-Box Motion System with an industry-leading 6” of travel coming from four electronic actuators that provide tri-axis motion and allow for up to 2G’s of simulated force. Alongside a supplementary 50” display (for non-VR use), this thoroughly premium rig also comes equipped with an immensely top-shelf range of hardware from both Vesaro and a handful of other equally renowned names in the space.
Purchase: $55,960
Aston Martin x Curv AMR-C01
The AMR-C01 is an ultra-top-shelf, luxury home racing sim rig born out of a partnership between Aston Martin and the UK’s Curv Racing Simulators— a cutting-edge technology outfit that’s headed up by Le Mans winner and AMR works driver Darren Turner. The rig features a carbon fiber monocoque and shell that takes visual inspiration from the British marque’s supercars, and a reclined seating position loosely modeled after the one found in AM’s Valkyrie hypercar. Limited to just 150 units worldwide, the AMR-C01 is available in a myriad of different iconic race livery options and boasts a ridiculously high-end array of hardware and components, including a flat-bottomed F1-style steering wheel, a massive curved wraparound display, and an ultra-thin carbon race seat.
Purchase: $78,350
CXC Simulations Motion Pro II
CXC Simulations’ Motion Pro II rig is unequivocally one of the most cutting-edge and advanced racing sims on earth, with the highly immersive and extremely lifelike system routinely used for training by a slew of high-profile Formula One and NASCAR drivers. This modular system includes a carbon fiber body kit, an enormous 77” panoramic display, and comes with an enormous selection of custom options. Features like seatbelt tensioners also make this already impressive system all the more immersive. CXC also sells helicopter and airplane flight packs that allow this same rig to be used for aviation simulations.
Purchase: $107,800
AXSIM Formula Simulator
The AXSIM Formula Simulator is the closest a sim can get to the sensation of piloting an actual race car. Starting with a body that’s formed using an actual F1 car mold, the sim sits above a D-Box Motion System that’s further supplanted via a Cranfield Simulation Yaw Platform and Cranfield’s proprietary G-force replicating G-Seat — resulting in the most lifelike racing sim experience on the planet. As you’d expect, this moving sim’s componentry is thoroughly top-of-the-line, consisting of hydraulic brakes crafted from CNC-machined aluminum billet, a Precision Sim Engineering GPX Wheel positioned on a Simucube 2 Steering Motor that affords 18.5ft-lbs of torque, a Samsung 65″ 4K Ultra HD display, and a super-premium KEF hi-fi speaker system backed by a REGA amp.
Purchase: $136,100
TCCT eClassic
While most modern racing sims are geared towards piloting (virtual) F1 cars, GT racers, and hypercars, TCCT opted to take things in a different — albeit no less premium — direction with its vintage-inspired eClassic. To bring this system to life, TCCT partnered with state-of-the-art sim tech outfit Racing Unleashed, as well as legendary auto design firms Pininfarina and Zagato to pen the bodywork and shell of the rig. Classic leather upholstery, brushed metal dash and trim, and woodgrain steering wheels all give this rig an incredibly unique feel and appearance.
Purchase: TBD
Razer Ultimate Driving Simulator
First unveiled at CES 2020, Razer’s Ultimate Racing Simulator is another incredibly lifelike rig that was created through a multi-way collaboration with Razer, Vesaro, Simpit, SynthesisVR, and IoTech Studios. The entire rig is built around a hand-crafted chassis that supports an overhead-mounted 202-degree wraparound dual HD projector setup and surface, an anodized aluminum and carbon fiber steering wheel with leather accents, magnetic paddle shifters, and adjustable button clusters, and a hydraulic 3-pedal system. Added realism also comes from both a D-Box Motion System and a race seat with seatbelt G-force tensioners.
Purchase: TBD
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