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These Sims logic memes are as hilarious as they are true. Who knew that the Sims series of games made so little sense?
The Sims is weird, right? Just super weird!
It’s an endless, repetitive game where you just control tiny computer people until death, not seeing the irony as you whittle away your own infinite time before the grave. But it’s also awesome!
We like to see it as a realistic portrayal of society and humanity. If you're anything like me, you’ll install every expansion pack in order to further your Sims' lives, downloading any custom content that adds a smidgen of reality to your world. Despite the werewolves, vampires, aliens, and stuff, it’s nice to imagine The Sims as a real-world scenario.
Except it’s not and never will be.
Not because of the vampires, plant-Sims, and ghosts that all too casually wander around. Not because of the fortune teller who’ll set you up with the person of your dreams for enough money, or the witches that’ll teach you the ways of magic if you socialize with them enough. Because Sims will never see the world in the same way we do. They see the world through the eyes of Sim Logic.
Sometimes things happen in the world of The Sims that have us disturbed and confused, but leaves the Sims unfazed like it’s the norm to them.
So, here’s 25 examples of pure Sim logic that will have you laughing in agreement.
26 The Burglar Stole My Toilet!
Unless you have a burglar or a car alarm, there is no protection from burglars! Your Sim can try to call the police when the crooked visitor sneaks in during the night, but they are unlikely to arrive on time. Once a burglar is in your house, there is no stopping them from stealing your stuff!
Burglar Sims will take the most expensive items in your Sim’s house. Even if those items include kitchen counters, beds, or even toilets! Burglars have to power to turn everything they touch into money during the first game (which must get annoying when handling your own stuff) and later are able to suck everything they want into their magical red sack. Leaving your poor Sim to weep for their toilet!
25 Living The Dream
House prices have been rising steadily for the last few years, while minimum wage and jobs haven’t been catching up. Many millennials are now in a situation where they will be unable to afford their own house for many years to come.
But for some reason, in The Sims, wages are ever increasing, yet house prices remain ridiculously low! You can buy a house for as little as fifteen thousand Simoleons in some cases, while the biggest mansions cost around a hundred thousand Simoleons. This is why your Sims will always have better houses than you will!
So, if you want to experience what it would be like to own your own house, then play! Although I’m bitter so I usually make them live in apartments anyway.
23 How To Improve Your Home
With Freetime, Sims with the “tinkering” hobby were encouraged to play around with their household items, usually breaking them and repairing them again. Later, Sims were able to improve their household items more efficiently. While tinkering in The Sims 2 at least involved a Sim fiddling with a screwdriver in the same spot, later Sims just hit their possessions with a hammer!
If you came home and saw your flatmate repeatedly hitting your stove with a hammer, surely you’d intervene and ask what was going on. But, nope. Your Sims just accept that this is going to improve the stove and soon no one will ever have to clean it!
22 The Folding Car
While this is technically a glitch, it’s become so common and so enjoyable for most players, that it just feels like part of the game at this point. Parking has always been a strange thing in Sim world. When Sims first got cars in Nightlife, I wondered why they always parked in the same spot next to the payphone when there were perfectly good parking lots made up that went unused. And what if someone else wanted to drive to the shops? Where would they park? Well, when later Sims games came along, I found out. They were simply putting their cars in their pockets.
I imagine a lot of drivers would kill for this ability. It would certainly save on parking fees and tickets.
21 But It Was Aliens!
Maybe this is one of the slightly more realistic aspects of the game.
In The Sims bosses are reasonable and will only fire you from your job if you miss too many consecutive days. However, if on the eve of your last chance you get abducted by aliens and end up late or missing work, then your boss won’t be understanding. It’s understandable, surely? If you were late for work today and went up to your boss with the excuse that you were abducted by aliens, surely, they wouldn’t believe you and fire you for tediousness.
Although in The Sims your boss can be an alien themselves, so maybe they’re just being jerks!
20 Too Young
I’ve never been able to understand why children aren’t allowed to do certain things in The Sims. They're too young to play certain instruments, but allowed to touch chemistry sets. They're too young to cook their own meals in the kitchen, but old enough to have access to the bar (even if they’re only getting a “juice box.”) Also, why are adult Sims excluded from kid things? They’re allowed to play with the dollhouse but not in the super cool play area! I’d play in the play area! Although my status as an adult is questionable.
Sims certainly are dubious parents, so maybe it’s just a set list they receive from the Sim government, where it’s illegal for children to do very specific things. Like make pottery or play guitar.
19 Well, It’s Closer
It’s a classic phenomenon of the game's coding that was acknowledged by the creators in the first game guide. When a Sim puts a pizza down in the bathroom it's because it’s the nearest surface. Instead of choosing the most logical location for their activities, Sims just tend to go with whatever is closer. Whichever chair is closer, the closest table to put something down, and whichever surface can be used to prepare food. Even if it’s in the bathroom.
It’s a quirk of the game you really thought would have been fixed by The Sims 4. But maybe we’ve come to love it by this stage!
18 Who Needs Med School?
My favourite Sims expansion pack is, without a doubt, University! Simply because it was a more realistic way for Sims to progress so quickly in their chosen careers. Even if there isn’t such a thing as med school yet in the Sim world, you at least feel a little bit better about your local doctor if they at least have a biology degree.
Not that choosing to skip college will limit your medical dreams! If you simply can’t be bothered with college (a silly thought considering that it’s free in the Sim world), just play chess, talk to yourself in the mirror, and read about cleaning until your boss is satisfied that you know how to operate on people.
17 Celebration Time
Sims have an odd sense of celebration. In the moment, they love sharing joy with others, whether it’s cheering at their child’s A+ report card or clapping the happy couple at a wedding, your Sims will always be there to support others.
The trouble is that their joy, while passionate at the time, is often short-lived. After they’ve cheered their kid's report card, they’ll go back to doing what they were doing. After the wedding ceremony has finished, it’s time to get some food, go the bathroom, dance alone or with others, or start a fight with someone. And after you're happy for your daughter’s graduation, there is no point on dwelling on the matter, it’s time to go out there and build a snowman!
16 I Didn’t Mean To!
Sims don’t really have a sense of personal space. If they’ve decided that an action needs to be done, then they’ll do it, regardless of who is around them. If they feel they need to stand somewhere, then they’ll go stand there, regardless if they’ll be standing uncomfortably close to someone or on occasion IN that other Sim!
And sometimes things like this happen.
It’s not the Sim’s fault. He fell over and needed to reach out. She was just standing in the way.
It’s not just the video game glitches that separate the Sims from our world, but how casual they all are about it. I guarantee this guy never apologized, but most of all that girl didn’t even notice. I guess Sims understand each other in a way we never can.
15 How To Cheat
I’ve started to realise that the more The Sims progresses, the more Sims are willing to accept adultery. It’s very strange.
In the original game and in The Sims 2, other Sims were devastated if their beloved stepped out on them. They would slap and fight them, rejecting any positive social interaction that the cheating Sim would try to engage them in. That was, until Sims were able to learn “anger management," at which point nothing anyone did to them could ever annoy them! Which was really annoying!
In The Sims 4 I had a Sim who was terrified that her husband was cheating on her. So, I had her come home early to catch him! Because I’m evil. But she barely cared! She got upset, cried, then went over to tell him a joke! I guess I’ll just make them dance until they forget about everything.
14 So Much Left To Explore
It actually really annoys me how easy it is to make money in The Sims. At some point during the game's progress, the money cheats became redundant. The bosses hand promotions out like candy and money builds up pretty quickly. Whenever I try to get a family broke, the game interferes (maybe thinking that I’m struggling), giving the Sims bonuses at work or making them discover new stars with their telescope!
The SimCity Astronomical Society really aren’t doing their job, because the way they spit money out at amateurs, you’d think they’d never looked at the sky before! I’ve had Sims discover two new planets in the same night. Planets!
13 The Birthday Fire
I think it’s fair to say that Sims don’t learn from their mistakes. Especially when it comes to fire! They could be cooking dinner, start a fire, get saved from the fire, and start cooking again. Once, when two Sims were on vacation, they kept insisting that they wanted a fire lit in the fireplace, despite that fact that it set fire to the rug every time!
So, while it’s upsetting that this Sims birthday party was probably ruined by their candles setting fire to their entire house, it probably won’t stop them from enjoying many birthday parties for years to come. I don’t know how you’d really set fire to the house with birthday candles, though. That’s nearly impressive!
12 No Time Wasters
Sims have a much, much shorter life span than the average human, but even by their standards relationships move fast! Sims fall in love quickly and they don’t like to waste time, particularly family Sims who can get a want to get engaged very quickly after meeting another Sim.
Even Sims with other focuses in their lives can get caught up in romance and not want to move on from their first love. Unless your Sim has a Romance aspiration or the “Afraid of Commitment” trait, they’ll probably want their relationship to move fast.
When you meet the Sim of your dreams, don’t hang around! Let them know how you feel and start a family before it’s too late and it’s dark outside so you want to go home.
11 He’s Pregnant Again
I’ve never understood the motivation of the aliens in The Sims games. They’ve abducted Sims from the beginning, warping their minds and taking control. Later in The Sims 2 they began to abduct more often, especially in Strangetown. They even started populating the world below by getting (male) Sims pregnant with their alien babies.
However why they do this has never really been explained.
Do they want to discover more about Sim lives? Do they want to slowly populate the Sim world with their offspring and take it over? These are both valid possibilities, although after over a decade of Simming, I’ve decided that they’re just doing it for the lolz!
10 I Hate You So Much!
Another example of how Sims lack social skills.
Sims don’t really know where to draw the line at boundaries. Guests just sort of come over unannounced, then hang around until their told to leave, especially in apartment buildings. Once, in an apartment building, one of the residents decided that he hated my Sim. She had a smelly apartment and was constantly partying. He constantly came over to yell at her, and slapped her once or twice. Didn’t stop him from coming in whenever he pleased to watch her TV!
But maybe we can learn a thing or two from The Sims. After all, we all have calls of nature. Maybe if you let your enemy use your toilet, one day they’ll return the favour. Then you can get them back by stealing their shower gel or something.
9 Picture Of A Ghost
Death does weird things to Sims. One time in Sims 2 a Sim of mine died while his daughter was off site, so when she returned home his ghost left declaring he’d died on another lot, even though the Sim himself had never left the house. I didn’t understand, either.
In the original, death was so profound that Sims would mourn the dead, even if they never knew them. This lead to me selling all the graves in the Goth's garden, as guests preferred to mourn them than spend time with the family!
It’s impressive that the Grim Reaper managed to move the body out of the photo booth before the pictures had finished, though.
8 How To Prevent Fires
In the world of Sims, everything can catch fire. The fire alarm could probably burn down if it didn’t summon those pesky fire fighters.
Remember the genie in the original game? Well, if he made a mistake and summoned fire, he would always set fire to my goddamn hot tubs or baths! Possibly to create a sense of irony. Odds are that if your Sims' fireplace is next to the shower, then the shower itself would probably catch fire.
Truth be told, fires aren’t that hard to avoid. The fire brigade is incredibly efficient and will be there as soon as they can to deal with the situation. Just don’t expect water to be of any use.
7 How Did I Get Here?
After a long Simathon, there is always that nagging thought in the back of my mind. What if we are all Sims? What if Will Wright was actually some kind of prophet?
I admit that it’s unlikely, but until someone can prove that it’s not true, the stupid part of me will always wonder.
So, when something like this happens, I feel like I’m a Sim. Especially when you forget something, sit down, remember it, get up, and then decide not to do it. I’ve done that to my Sims so many times! So maybe you’re not forgetful. Maybe that thing you were thinking of WAS important. Your Watcher just decided against it. It’s not your fault!
These games let you take to the skies in a way that most closely mirrors real-life.
One of the earliest tentpoles of PC gaming was the flight simulator genre, with the first acknowledged example, Sublogic FS1 for the Apple II and TSR-80 systems, debuting in 1979. Suddenly, millions of would-be pilots could satisfy their curiosity and desire to be free of terra firma just by turning on their computers. The early entries were extremely crude by today's standards, but realism was always at the core of the endeavors, and the seeds had been planted for a vibrant future.
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As home computer technology quickly improved, and along with it the realism of control systems, the genre blossomed into one of the largest in the PC space. This growth peaked sometime in the 1990s, but it still thrives thanks to a few dedicated developers and a huge modding community. The focus of these entries is realism, of the highest order, in both the graphics and the aircrafts represented on screen. Both old and new simulators now dot the landscape, and with both combat and civil aviation represented, there is truly something to be found for every taste
Updated on November 7, 2021, by Jeff Drake: Flight games (or sims) are an interesting type of game. Unlike most games, where the challenge of the game is the focus, flight games are more about the experience. Many players enjoy flight games because they don't have stages or storylines. There are no boss fights, or spells to memorize, or inventory management - just the pure experience of soaring amongst the clouds in your own personal airplane. Nothing dulls this experience more than a flight game that doesn't immerse the player in a realistic environment; at that point, you might as well play Ace Combat or GTA (not that there's anything wrong with the Ace Combat series).
14 Rise Of Flight
Rise of Flight is a very realistic flight sim set during World War 1. As you can imagine, this isn't a game where you take your Cessna out for a leisurely flight. In Rise of Flight, you dogfight in the wooden planes of the early 20th Century.
This flight game boasts incredibly realistic graphics, real-world physics, and historically accurate plane models. Since there are no jets or modern ordnance, this game is not as flashy as most of the others on this list. However, this means you must rely more on your piloting skills to be successful.
13 War Thunder
Okay...okay...admittedly, this isn't the most realistic of flight games - at least when it comes to real-world physics. Yes, this game does have a slight arcade feel to it, and yes, this is more than just a flight sim (there are land and sea battles as well). It does look fantastic though, and there are numerous crafts to fly. The available planes in War Thunder span almost a century of technological development.
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This game is perfect for those wanting to get into flight sims. For one, this game is free to download and play. Second, War Thunder looks and plays great. If you like it, then you can decide to upgrade to one of the other games on this list.
12 Prepar3D
This game is the opposite of War Thunder. This is less of a game and more of a sim. It's also one of the most visually realistic flight sims available. It was developed by Lockheed Martin using the Microsoft Flight Simulator ESP platform, so you know it's going to be extremely accurate.
Here's the problem with Prepar3D, its price tag. This is not a cheap game, and when you see how much it costs you might suffer from sticker shock. This is the Adobe Photoshop of flight sims - in terms of quality, and price.
11 ProFlightSimulator
In appearance and gameplay options, ProiFlightSimulator is very similar to Microsoft Flight Simulator in that it is much more of a sim than a true game. This sim is not as well-known as many of the titles on this list; however, it is able to deliver a realistic flying experience as well as any of the other games listed here.
ProFlightSimulator has over 100 aircraft to fly, over 20,000 real-world airports, impressive physics, and very realistic weather effects and terrain.
10 Microsoft Flight Simulator X (FSX)
Released in 2006, FSX would become the de facto standard-bearer in the realism category for almost 15 years. Despite the limitations of technology at the time, the flight models were top-notch and the world looked as realistic as it possibly could have. Major cities were modeled more completely, with the rest of the world being painted as just detailed texture maps, but that didn't stop players from breathlessly flying over their favorite parts of the globe.
The modding community stepped in very quickly and released hundreds of add-ons to keep the experience fresh and relevant over those 15 years. Flight mapping apps, realistic weather, flying challenges, and more were added over time. For those who don't have a strong enough PC to handle the newly released version of Microsoft's aviation opus, FSX is still a great option.
9 DCS World
The only way players will get closer to flying real combat jets is to join the military of their home countries. Digital Combat Simulator World has painstakingly modeled nearly 30 of the world's most famous combat planes of today and yesterday, along with missions and entire campaigns to use their might against.
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With fully realized 3D cockpits and so much detail that even taking off is a huge accomplishment, DCS is not for the faint of heart. But for those willing to put in the work, and a lot of time watching YouTube tutorials, there is no more realistic combat flight sim anywhere in the digital world.
8 Battle of Britain 2: Wings of Victory
To many enthusiasts, dogfighting is the truest form of air combat, and for those who prefer their sims of the WW2 variety, none do it better than Wings of Victory. This is the most well-regarded simulation of the desperate air battle fought by the Royal Air Force against Germany's feared Luftwaffe. The prize was no less than the existence of Britain itself, as the air war was to have been a precursor to the German invasion of the home islands.
The game features spot-on simulation of the planes and the battles in which they fought. A dynamic campaign mode creates tense, ever-changing scenarios for players to fight through, all while telling the tale of what really happened in the skies over land and the English Channel. This one is not to be missed.
7 X-Plane 11
A challenger to Microsoft's civil aviation simulation hegemony, X-Plane debuted in 1995 and has been a staple of the genre ever since. The game has had its ups and downs like anything else, but the 11th version, which debuted in 2020, is the best one yet.
Features include 3D cockpits in all default planes, more than 30,000 real-world airports, and a collection of aircraft that ranges from jumbo jets to gliders. Until the release of the newest Microsoft Flight Simulator, X-Plane held the throne and still has legions of fans who swear by it.
6 AeroFly FS
Aerofly is a game that aims to be everything to everyone. Available for PC, mobile, and VR platforms, almost anyone on the planet can take this simulator for a spin.
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The game possesses some of the most convincing terrain and cityscapes outside of Microsoft's newest iteration. With a catalog of airframes that ranges from jumbo jets to military craft and even a helicopter, this one will surprise gamers who may scoff at a mobile simulator.
5 Wings Over Flanders Fields
For virtual pilots who yearn for the days when air combat meant a clash between two pilots with only guns with which to win the day, this is the game to play.
Featuring one of the best dynamic campaign generators (which acts as a sort of Fighter Pilot Career Mode), players will progress through the whole of World War I on the Western Front. Amping up the realism, the game models morale, distance from home country, and fatigue when determining the skill of AI pilots. You'd better rest up.
4 FlyInside
A new-ish entry to the genre, FlyInside is designed for VR but works on desktop machines as well. Cockpit realism is the focus here, as players will be closer than ever to the buttons, dials, and displays that will keep them in the air.
The game has an innovative system to pull in scenery data from multiple sources, resulting in some excellent virtual-Earth scenes out there. FlyInside is innovative in a technical sense too, taking advantage of multi-threaded processors and even letting players create (and sell) their own add-ons for the simulator.
3 Falcon 4.0 BMS
Falcon 4.0 has one of the most tortured development stories in PC gaming history. With ownership of the game's developer changing hands multiple times through the 1990s, the game was eventually rushed to market ahead of Christmas in 1998. Predictably, it was a buggy mess, practically unplayable at times. The game's complexity, and its famously massive instruction manual, made it nigh impenetrable for those who could even get it working.
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Beneath all the problems was a fantastically realistic flight engine for the F-16 Fighting Falcon jet, an incredible dynamic campaign based on a modern Korean War, and industry-leading graphics. A fortuitous source code leak in 2002 allowed the community to have a crack at making the game better, which many did. The best of those came from Benchmark Simulations, who have continued to improve the game through the years, leading to the widely acknowledged "true" version of the game today being Falcon 4.0 BMS.
2 Il-2 Sturmovik
One of the very few flight sims to focus on a Soviet or Russian airframe, IL-2 Sturmovik is nevertheless one of the best there is. Dating all the way back to 2006, the game is still one of the examples held up by the community for its realism and faithful representation of air and ground combat in World War 2.
The Sturmovik was a multi-role fighter, meaning it undertook air-interdiction and ground attack missions. The latter role is an emphasis in the game, something many sims have struggled with over the years. Sturmovik gets it right though, which is responsible for a lot of the respect it gets in the community, even all these many years later.
1 Microsoft Flight Simulator (2020)
The once and future king, Microsoft Flight Simulator once again undeniably rules the genre. Released more than 14 years after the last iteration (FSX) of the series, the 2020 version is a stunning accomplishment of realism. The flight models and airframes always looked like the real thing back then, and that's still the case today. But even the most ardent fans had to admit that the world they flew in was often flat and uninspiring.
Microsoft has flexed its considerable muscle this time around, leveraging the strength of its Azure artificial intelligence and Bing mapping capabilities to draw the majority of Earth in loving detail. Players can fly over the largest cities or the house they lived in during 3rd grade and expect to find everything just where it's supposed to be. Add in GPU-crushing graphical capabilities, more than 37,000 real-world airports, and a massive roster of planes, and Flight Simulator give air-heads everything they've ever thought they might want. All hail the king.
NEXT: The Best Simulation Games
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