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The sims 4 may provide plenty of fun things for players to do, but it can also be a bit weird. That's why we have these hilarious memes!
These The Sims memes are too hilarious for words, meaning that words cannot describe how funny they are. The Sims 4 released on September 2, 2014, and a series of expansions followed it much like other games in the series. In total, there are seven expansions and a plethora of game packs to add to the base game.
RELATED: Greatest Pre-Made Families From The Sims 4, Ranked
With all that content, it's not surprising that there are quite a few flaws in The Sims 4. Memes help to address these flaws and might be comedic or plain raunchy. These are 10 The Sims 4 memes that are too hilarious for words.
10 Isn't He Just Perfect?
Like too many video games, The Sims 4 has its bugs and glitches. It wouldn't be unusual for you baby to turn out looking this way. Especially with the usage of cheats and cheap PCs with screen tearing, there is potential for the game to create a horrid scene as this meme illustrates.
To answer your question, yes, he is perfect—perfectly flawed in every way. Surprisingly, not the ugliest baby we've seen yet. He may have your eyes, but we can't tell since the baby is wearing goggles.
9 Gain Social Skill By Talking To Self. Weird...
Time and time again, The Sims 4 has irregularities that prevent it from being a realistic life simulator. Sure we want The Sims to focus on realism and rid itself of inconsistencies that blur the lines between reality and game, but we also want it to be fun. Gaining social skill in The Sims 4 is tedious and requires your player to talk to people constantly.
With so much jibber-jabber taking place in conversations, it is difficult for us to tune into Sims conversations. Perhaps Maxis should add interesting dialogue to enrich the social experience.
8 Solve House Fires By Screaming
Characters in The Sims are at a loss for words once a minor fire occurs. Instead of throwing baking soda or salt, the Sim is baffled by what he is seeing and starts screaming uncontrollably.
Furthermore, why is it possible to take a selfie with the grim reaper? Once the grim reaper has down his work, players can interact with death, which makes no sense. The logic of The Sims 4 is upside down, and in some aspects, the game has hardly progressed.
7 Don't You Hate It When That Happens?
We all remember that time we were eating and missed out mouth entirely said nobody ever. Biting a lip maybe, but unless you're a baby, you have no business poking your fork against your face and not inside your mouth. This is another meme that addresses the glitches in The Sims 4.
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The game is by no means perfect. Maxis, as a subsidiary of Electronic Arts, is the development company behind The Sims 4. Did you expect a game by Electronic Arts to be near perfect?
6 The Sims 4 Goes Full Emo
Being emo in The Sims 4 world is not that strange. There is a wide variety of curious people dressed up as clowns, vampires, Darth Vader, superheroes, and people dressed in Halloween costumes in the middle of summer.
It's not that weird to see a couple of emo characters in The Sims 4. Their names are Cedric and Olver. Judging by those hairstyles, they might be boys or girls. It's tough to tell sometimes, but that's okay. They are not amused.
5 Ubisoft's Trailer Vs. Dev Team
It goes to show that company's like Ubisoft and Electronic Arts spend an absurd amount of money on marketing and little on improving their game. Ubisoft doesn't put out the most trailers that are unrepresentative of gameplay, but they aren't excluded from the conversation.
Video game companies need to release gameplay trailers soon after announcement trailers because its announcement trailers could send the wrong messages. Take No Man's Sky for an example. Years and several updates later, the game barely looks like its trailers.
4 Overly Attached Girlfriend Meme Part 2
This is a creepy meme that maybe deserves to be more popular than it is. It reminds us of the overly attached girlfriend meme but is possibly even more disturbing because it's a The Sims character. Blogs about missing you while you are sleeping... in the same home! Blogging about someone else in the house is a weird thing to do.
RELATED: 10 Easter Eggs Only True Fans Caught In The Sims 4
Moreover, has someone figured out why Sims won't sleep in the same bed when they are supposed to be married? It's yet another thing about The Sims that is unconventional and bizarre.
Going on a date in The Sims brings you to a location to date, but that doesn't mean your sims have to sit together. It's another strange part of The Sims 4. Talk about being put in the friendzone when your date doesn't even want to sit with you.
On another note, the lighthouse in the photo on the wall has a striking similarity to the one from The Ring. Only Samara would put someone through this amount of dating torture.
2 Claims To Be A Ladies Man
The profile of Sims characters doesn't always correspond with who they are. Someone could be a computer whiz, yet doesn't own a computer. They could be a ladies man but has only kissed one girl. Does someone have to kiss more than one girl to be a ladies man? This meme creator thinks so.
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It's okay not to be a ladies man. The Sims 4 lets you create characters who are better versions of yourself. It allows you to live your dreams from behind the blue light of a computer. You can be a ladies man, a genius, a computer whiz, or a tech-savvy individual.
1 That Feeling You Get...
Has anyone ever taken a look at what Sims are doing on their computer? The text is always written in a foreign language, and the person operating the computer looks very confused. Seeing a sim operating a computer is comparable to that feeling you get when your auto-correct backfires (almost every day).
Take this meme for an example. The slight shrug of his shoulders can be used to explain the feeling you get "when auto-correct goes auto-stupid." We all know that feeling, so don't even try to deny it. Feelings of sorrow and regret follow the malfunctioning of auto-correct.
NEXT: 10 The Sims 4 Mansions That Are Too Unreal
Scream is a pretty grim franchise, but that hasn't stopped fans from finding the humor in it all.
"What's your favorite scary movie?" 1996's meta-horror classic Scream influenced generations of scary movie fans. Horror icon Wes Craven revived the slasher genre in the '90s and beyond with his story about high school student Sidney Prescott and her friends being targeted by a masked, knife-yielding slayer in a thin black cloak. Through four feature films and an anthology TV series, the latter of which updates the killer's mask, the Scream universe has remained relevant.
The masked killer has developed quite a reputation. Ghostface, whose mask was designed specially by Wes Craven and Scream screenwriter Kevin Williamson, is inspired by the famous Edvard Munch painting The Scream. What was supposed to be a terrifying horror villain, though, has been transformed into a parody courtesy of meme culture and spin-offs like Scary Movie.
Below are ten of the most hilarious memes about Scream and its lead antagonist, Ghostface.
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10 Aussie Ghostface
This cartoon meme highlights one of Ghostface's favorite activities: calling people on the phone to taunt them before they are slain. Regardless of the movie or TV episode, Ghostface is all about getting friendly on the telephone.
Completely removed from the Scream cast of regulars, what's on the other end of the phone for Ghostface after asking for Sidney Prescott is a koala. How's the masked madperson supposed to respond to that? The world may never know.
9 Zillow Listing
Zillow is the number one resource for buying houses, and potential buyers flock to its website and app in order to find their next domicile. It turns out quite a few folks have donned Ghostface costumes and created fake listings for homes all over the country.
This meme demonstrates such a scenario. This ranch home with a nice tire swing in the front yard comes not just with a high price tag, but with an iconic slayer. The asking price of $750,000 may seem a bit steep, but think about all the attention the new homeowners will receive. Talk about curb appeal!
8 Ghostface On The Job
Now that the Ghostface mask has been mass-produced, people all over the world wear the signature Scream killer mask in all kinds of strange and interesting scenarios.
According to this photo, Ghostface has become quite the office worker. Cubicle life can be pretty lame. However, when you have a double-screen display, endless paperwork, and an overwhelming urge to kill, it's possible to take the edge off the doldrums.
7 Ghostface On Drugs
Four years after Scream debuted, the Wayans responded with their Scary Movie franchise. These parody films highlight the absurdity of the original movie's premise, making the cast of confused and bloodied white teenagers look like a group of complete fools.
Instead of "What's your favorite scary movie?," Scary Movie relied on the now long forgotten quip, "Wazzzup?" The serial slayer isn't only fueled by insanity and deplorable urges; Ghostface, according to the Wayans, is a druggy and a doofus. Hence this meme.
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6 The Rules Of Survival
Randy Meeks, the only member of the gang to survive the first Scream film alongside Sidney, makes it to college in Scream 2. While he meets an unfortunate end in a van parked on campus, Randy does have a enough time to wax poetic about horror movies during his pre-death screen time.
One of his biggest blabbering episodes involves listing off the ways in which people die in horror films, and this meme is a parody of that. Even though Randy doesn't survive the franchise, his dialogue contributes to the meta-horror vibe that makes the Scream movies stand out. Lesson: don't assume anyone or anything is what they seem.
5 Ghostface Is A Greyhound?
The Edvard Munch painting that inspired the Ghostface mask is defined by existential dread and absurdity. The screaming man on a boardwalk clutching his face symbolizes the fear and disappointment many people suppress. This emotionally heavy imagery hasn't necessary aged well, and most folks think of the Ghostface mask as a hilarious and playful costume.
On level with a yawning greyhound, Ghostface is less of a ghastly presence and more of a strangely skinny and lanky dog. According to this meme, at least, there's nothing especially high-flatulent and expressionistic about Ghostface's getup.
4 I'm Lovin' It
The stalking, serial killer life probably builds up quite an appetite. It's hard to imagine what Ghostface eats, especially considering the Ghostface mask has no mouth hole, but a surge of protein and fat from a McDonald's special probably won't hurt.
Whether Ghostface is fresh from a slaughter, about to venture into the murderous unknown, or having a night off from the killing, there's always time to stop and say hi to Ronald McDonald while munching on a Quarter Pounder with cheese. The most important question, though, is whether or not Ghostface plays the annual Monopoly game.
RELATED: Scream: All Of Randy Meeks' Rules Explained (& How They're Broken)
3 XXL Ghostface
According to this meme, Ghostface isn't aging well. In other words, file this cosplay under "fail." In the Scream world, Ghostface is thin and fits under the cloak without issue. In this photo, however, the ghoul's extra pounds are very obvious.
Body shaming isn't cool, but this costume is definitely many marks off from the look conceived of by Wes Craven and Kevin Williamson. While the iteration of Ghostface pictured here might not be the fastest, the bulky, brute look might not be so bad.
2 Murdering Doors Since 1996
Ghostface's signature move throughout the Scream franchise is to chase potential victims through homes and other enclosed spaces until they think they've found sanctuary behind a closed, locked door. From there, Ghostface slams and slashes at the door until the person on the other side meets the blade.
The mad slasher trope comes to life with these sequences, and it almost seems like many of these moments in the Scream universe are throwbacks to Jack Nicholson's infamous "Here's Johnny!" moment in The Shining. Regardless of where the influence comes from, Ghostface made the monster behind the door a mainstream horror construct. Whether they're laughing at the plausibility or screaming at the horror, moviegoers love this masked monster.
1 A Slayer With Many Talents
Whichever band geek decided to dress up like Ghostface for a marching band tribute during a football game is a genius. Whichever meme geek decided to use this photo to highlight the viral nature of this moment is also a genius.
Like it or leave it, Ghostface is a cultural icon whose position among the legions of other horror legions stands out. Honestly, though, it's really hard not to recognize the creep in the corner wearing a black and white screaming mask.
NEXT: Scream Movies, Ranked From Worst To Best
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