Sims 4 Alien Baby - Bear Sims3 Stuff Alien Sims
Phil Replying To Adanielhowell Dan I Googled Sims 4 Alien Baby And S10.
Fans of The Sims series of video games should sit back, relax, and enjoy these funny memes that are as hilarious as they are true.
Memes circle around social media like wild fire and are one of the best ways the send an in-joke to as many people as possible. I don’t understand every meme that pops up on my screen, and how could you with the sheer volume of them getting posted every single day.
But whenever a meme inspired by The Sims heads my way, I laugh every time.
And, why wouldn’t I? The Sims is full to the brim of in-jokes, glitches, and references that only a true Simmer could understand. It’s like the game that memes were invented for.
We all know that when you boil it down The Sims is, at best, a bizarre concept. Spending hours and hours staring at your computer, making your little animated, glitchy people go to work, watch TV and read books, doesn’t look go on paper. That and having the ability to starve them, drown them or have them wet themselves can get a little dark. But The Sims can be far more than just a life simulator. With the wide range of expansion packs, you create a whole new world to explore, along with a wide range of experiences, giving the player never ending opportunities. With the world of uncertainty we sometimes live in today, The Sims can sometimes seem like a necessary escape.
Yet, the internet is nothing if it cannot make us laugh. So here are some of the most hilarious memes the internet has come up with!
24 Life’s Little Conveniences
One of the greatest things about The Sims is that the glitches are mostly so hilarious, that you can’t help but forgive the game!
From The Sims 2 onwards, your Sims started to ask you for things such as appliances, televisions, and expensive art, particularly if they were “Fortune Sims.” But once they get the little things they want, are they grateful for it? Of course not! A personal favourite of mine was when my Sim asked for an expensive coffee machine then, hopefully from a glitch, kept having furious thoughts about the coffee machine!
Could be worse, they could have stood in it…
23 Sorry About The Bear…
I can’t deny that sometimes, I’ve just put things in front of my Sims just to see if they can make it past. They often conform to my expectations. The weirdest part was when in The Sims 2 they finally gained the ability to step over things left in the middle of the floor (I still remember the look of amazement in my eyes when my sim stepped over her kid’s xylophone) so when Sims 3 came along and they still can’t get past a freakin’ teddy bear in the doorway, it felt like a step backwards! Literally.
Then again, maybe like the pool ladder, getting stuck in front of simple objects is one of those little quirks in the series. We can relate to it through memes, and we would truly miss it if it went away.
22 How To Cook With The Sims
In the game, your Sim does have to wash dishes or put them in the dishwasher. Trouble is, that’s all they have to do. I’ve often looked at the stacks of pots and pans after making dinner and wished I was a Sim!
I don’t know how Sims manage to avoid washing up their cooking equipment, but it might have something to do with the fact that they seem to have one pan that morphs into literally everything! Are they’re so casual about it! Casually cooking by themselves, then pick up the bowl, and it's now a frying pan. I’d give up being able to step over a teddy bear to get out of doing that washing up.
21 How Are You Doing, Me?
In game if your Sim needs an extra charisma skill point for a promotion or maybe a scholarship, then you can have them stand in front of the mirror to “practice speech” and later “practice romance,” until they gain the skill points.
While the idea of talking to yourself in the mirror can be seen as a humorous point, I’ve often seen it as one of the more realistic moments of the franchise. After all, one is encouraged to practice speeches or public speaking in front of a mirror to gain confidence. Besides, we all know that making friends is hard and a lot of us would prefer to talk to ourselves rather than socialize. Why can’t we give our Sims the same luxury?
20 How To Get A Promotion
I can argue that talking to yourself in the mirror can actually improve your charisma or that playing chess can improve your logic skills. However, I have no explanation for those skills being applied to you getting a promotion!
Sure, maybe your charisma might get you noticed in your office, but chess won’t get you a job as a surgeon. Studying for years and years, going through stressful exams, and racking up debt is how you get to be a surgeon.
But when your Sim has been playing a lot of chess, then how does their boss know? Do they notice or does your Sim tell their boss? This meme made me laugh immediately!
19 How To Speak Simlish
Although I consider myself to be an experienced Simmer, I’ve never made a lot of effort to learn or even understand Simlish. There are a few basic phrases you can recognize in the game, but it still amazes me that fans have actually sat down and figured out what so much of it means. And I’m no way trying to disrespect that. They impress me!
While I’m sure people who’ve never played The Sims have no idea what the heck is going on, Simlish is a core part of the game and it’s fun to try and figure out what might be being said. Especially when one sim laughs hysterically at their friend’s joke. What was it about?
18 Parenting Tips
Parenting in The Sims can be a mixed bag. Sometimes it seems sweet to see parents so attentive that they constantly want to feed their baby. Then again, when the butler, nanny, both parents, and teen sibling keep on taking the toddler out of the crib to feed him despite the fact that he’s literally about to pass out, Sims seem in desperate need for a parenting class!
Maybe the wide range in parenting comes from the fact the Social Worker has very selective opinions about why children should be taken into care. If you let a baby cry for too long twice, then BAD PARENT! Your ten-year-old’s grades get too low? BAD PARENT! If your baby is on fire or if it’s just been lying there next to the computer for a few days while your Sim plays video games… well, you probably have a good excuse.
17 I’ll Sleep Tomorrow…
So, the issue with The Sims, along with pretty much any game that doesn’t have an “end,” is that you can very easily lose track of time. There are many times when I’ve loaded up a game, meaning to play for an hour. Then I look out the window and realize that I have to get ready for work.
There is just so much to explore in the world. Their lives move so fast that hours can fly past without realizing. It’s evil really. It can suck your time away without realizing, leaving you sleep deprived and behind on your deadlines. But you know, it’s the best game ever. You should totally start playing.
16 Those Crazy Dreams
A lot of people ask me if video games can help you live through your fantasies. In video games, you can become a noble knight, an evil wizard, a pro musician or sporting hero. Or, of course, you can just live the normal life you want to live.
But really, it’s not as depressing as it sounds. There is no shame in building the dream house you’ve always wanted to live in. Or taking the career path you really wanted to go down and getting your dream job. It’s not about regrets, it’s about seeing what else you could have had. Although, I suppose these days it would be nice to have your own house in real life. Or, you know, a job…
15 The Big Day Is Here
I think it’s fair to say that The Sims timeline is a little messed up. You’d need to ask one of the people who came up with it to understand what’s actually going on. Babies seem to reach their teenage years before their teenage siblings have gone to college and adults age incredibly quickly, then live almost twice as long as elders. Providing they’ve had a good life, that is.
Maybe the most questionable aspect is the pregnancy timeline. Even by the Sim standard of time, where one second is the equivalent of a Sim minute, that pregnancy goes by really quick. So, if Sims had Facebook, you'd probably see this.
14 Simmer Romance Logic
Anyone who has ever been single knows how hard romance can be. It doesn’t matter how attractive, funny, or charming you are, talking to someone who you’d like to become involved with isn’t always easy. Sometimes it can become so difficult that it’s easier just to go on The Sims and make your crush.
Sometimes as people, though, we can overthink things. Our minds just go into overdrive and we do silly things that we regret, particularly when it comes to romance. As this meme shows, our primal human brains force us into dark places. Like making your crush on Sims and rejecting yourself. At least it’s better than repeatedly being rejected by the Sim of their own accord…
13 Looking Back
So far there have been four instalments of The Sims franchise, at least as far as PC gaming is concerned. I can’t speak for the whole fandom, but in my own honest opinion, The Sims 2 was by far the best instalment. It was the biggest leap between sequels and added the most stuff, including five new life stages! When The Sims 4 came out, it caused a little bit of outrage for not including some of the features the were introduced in older games.
When playing the newer games, it’s hard not to look back and miss the old ones. The thrill when the second game came out was so huge that it’s hard not to miss it when playing 3 and especially 4.
12 I Need Pizza!
I loved this aspect of The Sims. It was really useful during the Get a Life gameplay in the first console version of the game. Why sell your TV or your video games to buy food when you can sell pieces of your house? Although there is no technical “Buy Mode” in real life, I suppose sites like Craigslist are the closest human equivalent. Perhaps there are less killers and creeps hanging around in buy mode, though. Maybe this is how your Sims sell their windows! It’s just very quick and they don’t bother telling us about it. And try not to think about who came over to uninstall the window and pick it up free of charge.
Besides, it’s not like you were using that window anyway.
11 I Said I Wouldn’t
The Sims also has a bit of a reputation for having a lot of in-game cheats! PC games in general have many more cheats then console games. If the game you're playing doesn’t have any in-game cheats, then try Googling to see if anybody has developed any trainers. They probably have!
I’ve heard some snobbery from players saying that cheating ruins the game, especially since money isn’t that hard to acquire. I stopped using the money cheats a while ago, but really, I don’t know why people feel guilty using them. If you’ll be having more fun playing the game building a huge house and swimming pool straight away, then go ahead and type those rosebuds!
10 Lol, Death! So Random!
The bargaining with death aspect is incredibly random, especially with a Sim you didn’t plan on killing. Not that I’m implying that anyone deliberately kills their Sims, because no one does that. No one.
If your Sim has a good relationship with the Sim they bargain for, then that Sim has a better chance of survival. So you have to be pretty good friends already! Can you imagine how amazing it would be if your bestie literally bargained with Death for your survival? Although, as much as I feel like I have no friends sometimes, it’s still weird when Sims get the wish to be “saved from death.” Also, how come the Grim Reaper doesn’t hang around afterwards? Surely, he’d like to stay for a cup of tea sometimes?
9 The World’s Best Firefighters
This exact thing has happened to me twice. We all know that fires are scary, but we were all told since we were children that fires are bad and we should get to safety as soon as possible. Sims, however, feel better screaming at it until it goes away. If you don’t have a fire alarm, then you must try to pull them away from the fire for a minute to call the fire brigade.
Although these Sims have been trained in fire safety, sometimes they can’t resist their instincts. The first time I saw this, my Sim had come home from work as a firefighter. The second time it was actually a firefighter. Although, in his defence, I think it was a glitch.
8 Don’t Mess With Me
Most of the Simmers I know are the calmest people I’ve ever met. They’ll never lose their cool during an argument, and rarely shout or get overemotional. Because if you mess with a Simmer, the moment they get home, you’ll find yourself in a pool with no ladder, my friend!
You can pretend that you don’t care, but no one will buy that. I mean, we all know how voodoo works, don’t we? Perhaps one day someone could, perhaps even accidentally, find out how to use voodoo on Sims. And on that day, you’ll accidentally set fire to your cereal, turn around, and realize that someone has sold the door!
7 Sims Playing Sims Playing Sims
The first time Sims were able to start playing The Sims, it felt necessary to make them play The Sims. In The Sims 2, good old Mr R. Humble would come over and give your Sims a free computer and a copy of The Sims 3 for them to enjoy. And why shouldn’t your Sims play The Sims? It’s brought you so many hours of joy. It’s helped you get inspired and maybe influenced your decisions.
Or perhaps you just resented your Sims and wanted them to suffer though the addictive cycle that they’ve put you through! You know, whatever works best.
6 The "How To" Guide
The reason why so many good memes come out of The Sims is because it’s very easy to poke fun at. It’s hard to explain the appeal of a game where the main premise is to go through the real life of work, sleep and make friends (even with vampires and werewolves and stuff). I think this meme is very relatable, as we’ve all been in that place where we put a lot of effort into our Sims' lives before wondering why we can’t have that life. The simple answer being that we don’t have a motherlode cheat!
I don’t know any Simmer that has actually cried over the game (not to say that others might have). Besides, it’s fun to create the family and build the dream house. Then kill the family.
5 Architect Simulator
Although I personally prefer to spend more time playing the game and living the families' lives, I know plenty of Simmers play the game this way. Every time I walk past my flatmate playing the game, I see her building and decorating the house. Then I walk by again later and she’s still decorating the house. Just decorating, decorating, and decorating. Got to make sure everything matches!
It’s a fair part of the game, especially in The Sims 3 where wallpapers and furniture can be customized fully, which is really fun! With so much detail to go into, why not have fun building your house? If that’s your thing, anyways.
Are you looking for some easy Sims 4 house layouts to try this year? Look no further! I’ve gathered together 47 different Sims 4 floor plans for you to choose from. Whether you’re just starting out in the game or you’re a seasoned player, there’s sure to be a layout here that will suit your needs.
Finding easy Sims 4 house plans can be a challenge. When I first started playing the game, I spent hours poring through the internet for ideas. I wanted to find something that would be easy to build and have a nice, clean look.
However, most of the layouts I found were either too complicated or didn’t really fit my style.
Eventually, I stumbled upon a website that had a bunch of easy Sims 4 house blueprints. I was able to find something that fit my needs and was easy to build.
I have compiled my findings with other players who are looking for easy Sims 4 floor plans. I hope this list will help you find the perfect layout for your next home!
Easy Sims 4 House Blueprints
I apologize for any inconvenience caused by the images in my blog post. Some images may be unclear due to the low resolution, so please click the link below on each list to get a closer look at the Sims 4 house layouts. Thank you for your understanding.🙂
Sims 4 House Layouts 1 Story
If you’re just starting out in The Sims 4, these easy Sims 4 house blueprints with 1 story are perfect for you. With layouts that are easy to follow and simple to build, you can build your dream home in no time!
1. Sims 4 Base Game Starter Home
Bedrooms: 1
1 Bathrooms: 1
If you’re looking for an easy sims 4 houses layout that you can use on your next sims 4 game house build, then you’ll want to check out this 1 story starter home. It’s perfect for beginners who are just getting started in the game.
Take a look at this Sims 4 Base Game Starter Home – Summerr Plays.
[ RELATED POST: 29+ Free Sims 4 CC Finds You Need to Fill up Your CC folder ]
2. City Bungalow
Bedrooms: 2
2 Bathrooms: 1
You may want to try this easy Sims 4 house layout on the Sims 4 game house because it is easy to follow and simple to build.
This particular layout is perfect for a new Sim. One bedroom, one bathroom, and a little pocket money leftover too.
Take a look at this Sims 4 City Bungalow – Simsbylinea.
3. Sims 4 Contemporary House
Bedrooms: 3
3 Bathrooms: 2
2 Stories: 1
If you’re feeling cramped in your old Sims 4 house layout or just want to try something new, this easy Sims 4 house blueprint is for you. With three bedrooms and two bathrooms, this layout provides plenty of space for your sims to spread out.
Plus, the easy access to the outdoors makes this layout perfect for sims who love spending time outdoors. So if you’re looking for an easy Sims 4 house layout to try this year, give this one a shot!
Take a look at this Sims 4 Contemporary Home – SIMSBYLINEA.
If you enjoy Sims 4 realistic gameplay mods, you will enjoy the 27+ free Sims 4 mods you need in your game to have fun gameplay.
4. Sims 4 Sandtrap Bungalow
Bedrooms: 2
2 Bathrooms: 1
1 Stories: 1
Well, if you’re looking for a cozy and comfortable place to call home, this is definitely it. With an extended layout that includes a second bedroom, patios, and a pool, this Sims 4 house layout is perfect for anyone looking for a little bit of everything.
Plus, since it uses only base game content, you won’t have to worry about any compatibility issues.
Take a look at this Sims 4 bungalow by Simsbylinea
5. Sims 4 Beach House Ideas
Bedrooms: 1
1 Bathrooms: 1
1 Stories: 1
If you’re looking for a change of pace, why not try this easy Sims 4 beach house layout? It’s perfect for those who are just starting out in the Sims 4 game, and it’s easy to customize to your own liking. Plus, who doesn’t love a good beach house?
Take a look at this sims 4 brach house layout – Summerr Plays.
RELATED POST: 31+ Cool Sims 4 Modern House Ideas You Have To Try This Year (Free to Download)
6. Sims 4 Small House
Bedrooms: 3
3 Bathrooms: 3
3 Stories: 1
This house plan has three bedrooms and three bathrooms, and it’s perfect for players who are looking for a one-story home. Additionally, this layout is perfect for players who want to create a spacious and open home.
Take a look at this Sims 4 house plans – Gredsuke.
7. Sims 4 Family House
Bedrooms: 2
2 Bathrooms: 1
1 Stories: 1
You’re tired of your old house layout. You’ll want to try this new Sims 4 family house layout because it’s easy to use and can be changed at any time. It also has 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, and 1 story. This is perfect for Sims 4 starters because it’s easy to use and change.
Take a look at this Sims 4 family house – Simsbylinea.
[RELATED POST: 21+ Stunning Sims 4 Kitchen Ideas You’ll Obsess Over]
8. Sims 4 House Building
Bedrooms: 3
3 Bathrooms: 2
2 Stories: 1
With three bedrooms and two bathrooms, it’s perfect for a family or a group of friends. And if you’re short on space, don’t worry-this layout only takes up one story. So go ahead and give it a try! You won’t be disappointed.
Take a look at this Sims 4 House Building – Bozena.
9. Sims 4 Base Game Houses Layout
Bedrooms : 1
: 1 Bathrooms: 1
This easy Sims 4 house blueprint is also perfect for those who are just starting out in the game and don’t have a lot of money to spend on building a huge home. With just one bedroom and one bathroom, this layout is perfect for those who want to use their time wisely.
Take a look at this Sims 4 base game house – Simsbylinea.
10. Sims 4 Beach Villa
Bedrooms: 1
1 Bathrooms: 1
1 Stories: 1
With only one bedroom and one bathroom, this Sims 4 floor plan is perfect for those who want to downsize or for those who want a vacation home that’s easy to take care of.
This layout is perfect for a small family or for a single Sim who wants to live in a comfortable and easy-to-maintain home.
Check out this Sims 4 Beach House – Summerr Plays.
Sims 4 House Layouts 2 Stories
You can find Sims 4 house layouts with 2 stories online, but I’ve gathered some of the best ones here. Whether you’re looking for a traditional home layout or something more modern, you’re sure to find something you love in my collection.
And because I know that everyone’s tastes are different, I’ve included a variety of different styles and sizes. So no matter what your taste, you’re sure to find an easy Sims 4 house blueprints with 2 stories that you’ll love.
11. Modern Eco Home
Bedrooms : 2
: 2 Bathrooms : 2
: 2 Lot Size: 20×15
It can be really easy to feel cramped in a small home, especially if your sims have a large family. If you’re looking for some extra space, or if you’re just starting out in life and are on a budget, this easy Sims 4 house layout might be perfect for you.
This layout has two bedrooms and two bathrooms, so it’s perfect for small families or roommates. Plus, the lot size is just right—not too big nor too small.
Check out this Sims 4 Modern Eco Home – Summerr Plays.
12. Sims 4 Cottage House
Bedrooms: 2
2 Bathrooms: 3
3 Stories: 2
The easy-to-build Sims 4 cottage house layout is perfect for those who want an authentic, rustic-feeling home. This layout is perfect for Sims who want to live in a cozy cottage. The layout includes two bedrooms, three bathrooms, and two stories.
Check out this Sims 4 Cottage House – Swan. Leron.
13. Sims 4 House Design
Bedrooms: 4
4 Bathrooms: 4
This easy Sims 4 house blueprint has plenty of room for a family, with four bedrooms and four bathrooms. Plus, the two stories give you plenty of space to work with when it comes to decorating and furnishing your home.
So if you’re looking for an easy Sims 4 house layout that is perfect for families, this could be the one for you.
Check out this Sims 4 House Design – Gredsuke.
14. Sims 4 Honeymoon Villa
Bedrooms: 1
1 Bathrooms: 1
1 Stories: 2
If you are looking for a simple yet effective house layout in The Sims 4, then this is just what you need! It has only one bedroom and one bathroom, with an open floor plan so that all members of the family can be close by.
Check out this Sims 4 Honeymoon Villa – Summerr Plays.
15. Sims 4 Modern Home
Bathrooms : 3
: 3 Bedrooms : 3
: 3 Guest rooms: 1
You might want to try this easy Sims 4 house layout because it is easy to build and looks great. This Sims 4 floor plan is perfect for families and Sims who like to have a lot of space.
The guesthouse is perfect for visitors, and the first floor is perfect for families. This easy Sims 4 house layout is perfect for people who want to have a lot of space and privacy.
Check out this Sims 4 House Layout by Sinhala.
16. Sims 4 Modern Mansion
Bedrooms: 8
8 Bathrooms: 4
4 Stories: 2
This layout has 8 bedrooms and 4 bathrooms, and it’s perfect for families or groups of friends. Additionally, the 2-story layout makes it easy to move around in, and the mansion layout is sure to impress your friends and neighbors.
And if you want to add a little bit of luxury, consider putting a pool in the backyard. Your sims will definitely thank you for it!
Take a look at this Sims 4 modern mansion – Moniamay72.
17. Sims 4 Cottage house
Bedrooms: 1
1 Bathrooms: 1
1 Stories: 2
As a Sims 4 game player, you’ll love this easy cottage layout. It’s perfect for smaller families or couple sims.
The one-bedroom, one bathroom, and an open-concept main living area make it easy to furnish and decorate.
The fully landscaped and decorated exterior is perfect for showing off your Sim’s style.
Take a look at this Sims 4 Farmhouse Layout – Summerr Plays.
18. Sims 4 Mediterranean Dream Layout
Bedrooms: 4
4 Bathrooms: 5
5 Stories: 2
This two-story layout offers plenty of space for a family. You’ll appreciate the four bedrooms, each with its own ensuite bathroom. The office or gym is perfect for getting
some work done at home or for staying fit. And the two 2-car garages will make life easy. This layout is perfect for those who want a modern and sophisticated Sims 4 house.
Check out this Sims 4 floor plan – Simsbylinea.
19. Sims 4 Family Farmhouse
Bedrooms: 2
2 Bathrooms: 3
3 Stories: 2
With only one bedroom and one bathroom, this Sims 4 floor plan is easy to follow and perfect for those who want a small, comfortable home. You can use this easy Sims 4 house layout to try this year.
To make the most of this Sims 4 house layout, try decorating the bedroom with cozy furnishings and adding a home office or playroom on the first floor.
Check out this Sims 4 house layout – Summerr Plays.
20. Tropical Residence
Bedrooms: 4
4 Bathrooms: 4
The best part of this Sims 4 house layout is the swimming pool. The kitchen is also easy to use, and the dining room is perfect for entertaining guests.
The bedrooms are spacious, and the bathrooms are modern. This Sims 4 house layout is perfect for families or sims who want a lot of space. The only downside is that it’s not easy to find Sims 4 house blueprints like this one.
Check out this Sims 4 house blueprints – Sinhala.
21. Woodland – Family Home Shell
Bedrooms: 3
3 Bathrooms: 3
3 Stories: 2
This one might be perfect for you! With three bedrooms and three bathrooms, it’s perfect for a family or for hosting guests.
Plus, the backyard is perfect for cottagecore-style simming. Give it a try today!
Take a look at this Woodland Family Home Shell – Summerr Plays.
22. Sims 4 Lake House
Bedrooms: 3
3 Bathrooms: 4
4 Stories: 2
This open-plan living space is perfect for families that want easy access to all the amenities of the home. The kitchen, dining room, and bedrooms are conveniently located on this floor, while a studio could be used as an office or guest room or even both!
There are also two bathrooms, making it simple when your sim has visitors over; not only do they come in handy during their stay, but these chambers give every sim more time together outside of work hours too (yay!)
Check out this Sims 4 Lake House Layout – Sinhala.
23. Fountainview Penthouse Sims 4
Bedrooms: 1
1 Bathrooms: 2
2 Stories: 2
This penthouse layout is perfect for those who want to live in luxury.
This layout has 1 bedroom, 2 bathrooms, and 2 stories, making it perfect for those who want to update their Sims home.
Take a look at this Sims 4 Penthouse layout – Summerr Plays.
24. Sims 4 Eco House
Bedrooms: 2
2 Bathrooms: 3
3 Stories: 2
This two-story layout has a bedroom and bathroom on each floor, as well as a spacious backyard with a pool.
The views from the top floor are spectacular, and your sims will love living in this eco-friendly home.
Check out this Sims 4 Eco House – Summerr Plays.
25. Sims 4 Rock House
Bedrooms: 3
3 Bathrooms: 3
You might want to try this easy Sims 4 house layout because it is easy to follow and can give your Sims 4 house a more polished look.
Also, this easy Sims 4 house layout can help you save time and money when it comes to building your Sims 4 house.
Check out this Sims 4 Rock House – Gredsuke.
26. Sims 4 Family Home
Bedrooms: 2
2 Bathrooms: 2
2 Stories: 2
You’ve been wanting to try out a two-story house for a while now, and this Sims 4 house layout is just perfect for your needs. With two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a lovely backyard, this easy-to-follow blueprint will have you enjoying your new home in no time.
Plus, the additional tips on how to make the most of your space will come in handy as you start to furnish and decorate your new sim home.
Take a look at this Sims 4 Family Home – Swan. leron.
27. Sims 4 Modern Mansion
Bedrooms: 4
4 Bathrooms: 4
4 Stories: 2
2 Private Terrace with Pool
If your sims have a big family, then this Sims 4 modern mansion layout is perfect for you. With four bedrooms and four bathrooms, you’ll have plenty of room for everyone. Plus, the private terrace with a pool is perfect for entertaining guests.
So if you’re looking for an easy Sims 4 house layout, be sure to check out this Sims 4 modern mansion layout.
Check out this Sims 4 Modern Mansion – Summerr Plays.
28. Modern House Sims 4
Bedrooms: 6
6 Bathrooms: 5
5 Stories: 2
The large family house plan is perfect for your favorite Sim. With five bedrooms and a den that can be converted into an additional room, there’s plenty of space to host all eight Sims in this one!
The backyard features beautiful landscaping, plus you even get access to the pool nestled next door.
Check out this Sims 4 Modern House – Summerr Plays.
29. Sims 4 Modern House Layout
Bedrooms: 4
4 Bathrooms: 5
The layout is also great for viewing the local surroundings. You can also add different colors to the walls to make them more interesting.
Check out this Sims 4 Modern House – Sinhala.
30. Sims 4 Farmhouse
Bedrooms: 1
Bathrooms: 1
You’ll love this easy farmhouse layout. It’s perfect for smaller families or couples. The one-bedroom, one bathroom, and an open-concept main living area make it easy to furnish and decorate.
Plus, the fully landscaped and decorated exterior is perfect for showing off your Sim’s style. So if you’re looking for an easy layout to try this year, this Sims 4 farmhouse layout is a great option.
Take a look at this simple Sims 4 Farmhouse – Summerr Plays.
31. Sims 4 Contemporary Lodge Layout
Bedrooms: 5
5 Bathrooms: 4
4 Stories: 2
This easy Sims 4 house layout has 2 stories. The first floor has the living room, kitchen, and dining room. The second story has four bedrooms and three bathrooms.
The master bedroom has a walk-in closet and a master bathroom. There is also a laundry room on the second floor.
Check out these easy Sims 4 house blueprints – simsbylinea.
[RELATED POST: 29 Best Sims 4 Living Room Ideas You Need To Copy Right Now]
32. Sims 4 Villa
Bedrooms: 1
1 Bathrooms: 2
2 Stories: 2
This two-story Sims 4 floor plan has 1 bedroom and 2 bathrooms, making it perfect for your sims’ small family or couple.
To make the most of this Sims 4 house layout, try decorating the bedrooms with cozy furnishings and adding a home office or playroom on the first floor.
Check out this Sims 4 Modern House Layout – Summerr Plays.
33. Sims 4 Haunted House Layout
Bedrooms: 3
3 Bathrooms: 4
4 Stories: 2
A lot of Sims 4 game players are looking for easy Sims 4 floor plans to try this year. One great option is the one shown above.
This Sims 4 haunted house layout has bedrooms on three different levels, which can be a great way to maximize space.
It also includes a lot of bathrooms, which can be helpful if you have a lot of Sims living in your house. And finally, it has a nice mix of living spaces and bedrooms, which can be perfect for a family.
Take a look at this Sims 4 layout – Lhonna.
34. Sims 4 Chelsea penthouse Layout
Bedrooms: 1
1 Bathrooms: 1
1 Stories: 2
With the penthouse layout, you’ll have a luxurious and spacious home without having to deal with too many rooms or furniture. Plus, this fun option is perfect for entertaining guests as well!
Check out this Sims 4 Penthouse layout – Melapples.
35. Sims 4 Tiny House Layout
Bedrooms: 3
3 Bathrooms: 2
2 Stories: 2
It’s perfect for players who want to keep their sims’ rooms minimalistic. This layout also has three bedrooms and two bathrooms, which is perfect for families.
The size is just right—not too big or too small. So if you’re looking for an easy Sims 4 floor plan to follow, this one is perfect for you.
Take a look at this Sims 4 tiny house layout – Simsbylinea.
36. Sims 4 American Home Layout
Bedrooms: 3
3 Bathrooms: 3
3 Stories: 2
Then this Sims 4 American house layout is a great option for you. This layout has plenty of space for your Sims to live comfortably, with three bedrooms and three bathrooms. You’ll also love the open-concept living area and the master suite downstairs. The large garage and beautiful backyard make this home complete.
Take a look at this Sims 4 American house layout created by Summer Plays.
37. Sims 4 Modern Home
Bedrooms: 4
4 Bathrooms: 5
5 Stories: 2
The modern home layout has 4 bedrooms and 5 bathrooms, so your sim can have a lot of family and friends over without worrying about running out of space. Plus, the two-story design means you’ll never feel cramped for space again!
Check out this Modern Home Layout – Sinhala.
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38. Sims 4 Beach House
Bedrooms: 1
1 Bathrooms: 2
This cozy home layout is perfect for your favorite Sims. With one bedroom and two bathrooms, this place has everything that every household needs to live comfortably!
Plus, the large windows let in plenty of natural light, making it feel bright and airy inside as well.
Take a look at this Sims 4 Beach House – Summerr Plays.
Sims 4 House Layouts 3 Stories
Sims 4 house blueprints make it easy to get your sims’ large family into a new home. Check out these easy Sims 4 floor plans with 3 stories to get started.
39. Celebrity Mansion
Bedrooms: 3
3 Bathrooms: 5
5 Workout Room
Office Room
Spa Room
Movie Room
This easy Sims 4 house layout is perfect for your superstar sim! With a large main floor living area, an open concept main living space, a movie theater, a workout room, and your own private spa, this easy Sims 4 house layout has everything your sim needs to live the high life.
And the best part is that it’s easy to build, so you can have your sims living in luxury in no time.
Check out this Sims 4 Celebrity Mansion – Summerr Plays
40. Sims 4 Mansion
Bedrooms: 2
2 Bathrooms: 3
3 Stories: 3
If you’re looking for a luxurious and sprawling Sims 4 house layout to try this year, look no further than the Sims 4 Mansion layout.
This easy-to-follow Sims 4 house blueprint will have your sims living in the lap of luxury in no time, with marble floors, golden bathtubs, and multiple fountains and pools.
Take a look at this Sims 4 mansion – Simsbylinea.
41. Sims 4 3-storey Black House
Bedrooms : 2
: 2 Bathrooms: 2
You might want to try this easy Sims 4 house layout if you’re looking for a bit more space. This layout includes two bedrooms and two bathrooms, making it perfect for a small family or roommates.
Plus, the easy Sims 4 house blueprints make it a breeze to build. So if you’re looking for a bit more space and easy construction, this is the layout for you.
Check out this Sims 4 Black House Layout – Swan. Leron
42. Sims 4 Student Housing
Bedrooms: 1
1 Bathrooms: 2
2 Stories: 2
This two-story layout has just one bedroom and two bathrooms, perfect for students or young families. The open floor plan makes it easy to entertain guests, and the two-story design gives the impression of extra space.
Give this easy house layout a try in your next game of Sims 4!
Check out this Sims 4 house plan – Summerr Plays.
43. Sims 4 house Lucy
Bedrooms: 4
4 Bathrooms: 5
5 Stories: 3
What are you waiting for? Get the perfect Sims 4 house layout today with this easy-to-customize design! This 4 bedroom, 5 bathroom home is great if space isn’t an issue. Plus, it has 3 floors, which means there’s plenty of room to explore all around without ever getting bored or cramped on any level.
Check out this sims 4 house – Gredsuke
44. Sims 4 Baxter Road
Bedrooms: 5
5 Bathrooms: 5
5 Stories: 3
It can be tough to find the perfect Sims 4 house layout. But with this one, you get plenty of bedrooms and bathrooms, as well as a nice, spacious layout.
It’s perfect for Sims who love to entertain. So if you’re looking for a Sims 4 house layout that’s both functional and stylish, this is the one for you.
Check out this Sims 4 House plan – Gredsuke.
45. Sims 4 Large Family Home
Bedrooms: 6
6 Bathrooms: 5
5 Stories: 3
You’re looking for a new house layout to try out, but you don’t want something that’s too complicated. Well, have I got the perfect solution for you?
This easy Sims 4 house layout is perfect for anyone who wants to add a little bit of extra spice to their game. With six bedrooms and five bathrooms, this layout is perfect for large families or anyone who likes to entertain guests. The three stories give you plenty of space to work with, so you can really make this house your own.
Check out this Sims 4 Floor Plan – Summerr Plays.
46. Sims 4 Modern Home
Bedrooms : 4
: 4 Bathrooms: 4
You might want to try this easy Sims 4 house layout if you’re looking for a home with plenty of entertainment options for your sims.
Your sims will never be bored with a recreation area on the ground floor and a home theatre on the second floor. Plus, the 64×64 lot size is perfect for large families.
Check out this Easy Sims 4 House Blueprints – Sinhala.
Sims 4 House Layout 4 Stories
47. Sims 4 Mansion Layout
Bedrooms: 3
3 Bathrooms: 4
4 Stories: 4
You may be looking for an easy Sims 4 house layout that is stylish and spacious. This Sims 4 mansion layout may be perfect for you. With three bedrooms and four bathrooms, this floor plan offers plenty of room for your sims to live in comfort.
Plus, the four stories give you plenty of room to add furniture and decorations to make this layout your own.
Check out this Sims 4 Mansion Layout – Nobody1392.
If you’re looking for a little inspiration, or just want to see some of the different possibilities when it comes to Sims 4 houses layout, I hope this post was helpful.
Whether you’re looking for a starter home or something a little more luxurious, I’ve got this for you. These Sims 4 house layouts are perfect for any style of home and can be easily customized to fit your needs. So what are you waiting for?
Start building your Sims dream home today! Do you have a favorite layout from the list? Let me know in the comments below. Happy Simming 🙂
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