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Nice Looking Sim Racing Setup | Racing, Sims, Game Room.
A man who supports true meaning of gender equality and totally oppose someone using "women privileges" when it suits them and complaints about someone "not being a man " when it is inconvenient.
In a question like:-"How dare you slap a women just because she slapped you"An anti-simp and supporter of true gender equality may reply as:-First of all she slapped me for a no good reason at all, and you expected me to hold back?But,no way you can hit a women like that..."just man up a bit for once"And the final blow of an anti-simp should be like:-"If she dares to hit a man for no good reason and expect nothing back, then she is goddamn wrong because i believe in gender equality and for me a women is at the same level as any man.. so,equal rights, equal fights! b*tch
Sims Memes Funny
For 20 years, players have loved The Sims. But as every Simmer knows, sometimes our creations do things that are a bit random, as seen in these memes.
There's no better game to in which to live a dream life than The Sims. Players can pretty much create any kind of Sim they want and give them the life they want through cheats or by actually grinding the game. Either way, there are endless opportunities in the ever-popular life simulation game that's been with us for about 20 years now.
Unfortunately, The Sims 4 is still just that: a game. Like with any game, it tends to have its major flaws and weird illogical features. It's what makes the game a bit more simple to play, but also gives it that fun, colorful vibe that all Simmers have grown to love over the years. Anyone who's been with the series for a year or two will understand these hilarious memes.
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Updated on July 10th, 2020 by Anastasia Maillot: The Sims is a huge game, one that's constantly getting new content through expansions, game packs and stuff packs. As such, it's an endless source of fun in the form of semi-realistic life simulation. With mods added in as well, players are guaranteed to stay with the game for a while.
With such a popular game it's unlikely that the Internet will run out of funny, witty memes that accurately describe just how bizarre The Sims can sometimes be. It's by no means a perfect game, but that's exactly what makes it so charming in these small, hilarious and confusing moments.
15 Falloopsinarb! Wa Fa Goo
When it comes to things that make absolutely no sense, the language of The Sims is one of the strangest features in the franchise that has people scratching their heads. The language is so well designed that it almost sounds real, except that it isn't.
Although there are theories about the language being inspired by real ones such as Ukrainian, Navajo, or Romanian, there's no real proof of a connection. For all we know, Sims are just speaking nonsense.
14 The Insurmountable Mountain
Ah, yes. The classic pool death has been with Simmers since the beginning of the franchise. Everyone has at least once placed their Sim into a pool and then removed the ladder, only to watch their Sim drown.
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Although this has been fixed in later games, it's still possible to block Sims from getting out of a pool by placing objects around. Somehow, they're just completely unable to move the objects out of their way.
13 Ultimate Procrastination
Some Simmers like to play the game for the chaos it creates, while others see it as an opportunity to live out the perfect life. Unfortunately, the Sims themselves don't always agree with this method and will do whatever they can to rebel against it.
The most common example has to be Sims deliberately not wanting to do the right thing and sleeping late, taking ages to eat their breakfast, only to get to work much later than planned. Thanks a lot, Sims!
12 Great Timing
No simulation is perfect, and it's likely they never will be. As such, there's a lot of situational weirdness in the game that might break immersion at times. It's not uncommon to see someone take a selfie when a Sim has just died from old age.
Alternatively, a romantic proposal can be easily ruined by the family dog deciding to do their business at the most inconvenient moment. Either the game knows how bad the timing is and does it on purpose, or it has no sense of it at all.
11 Not You Again
The Sims is full of some minor, somewhat annoying features which thankfully have been fixed by a number of mods over the years. One of these features is included in the Vampires game pack, and is basically a scripted visit from a vampire (usually Vlad).
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There's nothing more annoying than seeing this fellow sneak into a Sim's house in the middle of the night, with the player having no choice but to watch their Sim be feasted upon. Where's the home security alarm when you need it?!
10 Graduation Habits
Players usually have a choice in the game to either have autonomy on or turn it off. If this setting is on, Sims will usually just do random things on their own when nothing pressing is happening or they have no specific needs — kind of like how we spend our free time doing random things in real life.
These actions can vary from getting a glass of water to building a snowman while waiting for their daughter to graduate from school. Yes, sometimes these idle interactions have a pretty bad timing, and they just make no sense at all.
One of the major complaints for each Sims game has usually been the rather inconvenient pathfinding that Sims have. At times, Sims will really struggle to get to a certain place, even if there's a door or an open area right in front of them. Even in such a great game, flaws like this are entirely possible.
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It's why Sims will sometimes sit down in weird locations as well while engaged in another action. This multitask skill is still being developed and perfected by EA, which is why even on a romantic date, a Sim couple totally in love will sometimes choose to sit with other people or alone, as long as they can still carry a conversation over their shoulder with their date.
8 Priorities
It happens surprisingly often: something dramatic happens in the household, such as a death or a fire, but one Sim will completely ignore what's going on while others panic. This is another strange glitch that still persists in the game, and while The Sims 4 has fairly immersive emotions, they don't always make much sense.
For instance, it's entirely possible for a Sim's baby to suddenly be on fire, and for the Sim themselves to just ignore it. This just goes to show that the Sim decision-making skill isn't fully perfect just yet, and makes for some hilariously awful scenarios.
7 Create Your Sim
In The Sims 4, players can create whoever they want. Whether it's a celebrity, a friend or just an imaginary, fantasy version of themselves, it's all possible. This is the main selling point of the franchise as well, although at times, reality in The Sims is much less charming than we'd like to imagine.
T-posing and other weird bugs, often due to script mods and tons of custom content can make for some very frightening results. What starts off as the most gorgeous Sim ever can quickly turn into a hideous Resident Evil-style monster.
6 Just Another Sim Day
Sims obviously don't live in real time within the game. That would just make things extremely tedious for players, which is why the in-game time is significantly sped up, and many actions can be skipped over thanks to super speed. However, sometimes that takes away from crucial immersion.
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For example, it's entirely possible to meet someone new in the game, get to know them and marry them and have them move in all within the same day. It's clear that this makes things way too easy for Simmers, and is hopefully something we'll see EA tweak in The Sims 5 once it eventually comes out.
5 Oddly Relatable
It's perfectly normal for Sims to feel uncomfortable at times, perhaps to the point that they're almost unable to do anything at all. After all, even in real life we sometimes feel so annoyed and demotivated by something that actually fixing the problem feels like an insurmountable pile of chores.
That being said, the sources of such discomfort in The Sims 4 are often somewhat questionable. It could be a toppled over trash bin or a dirty shower, but whatever it is, it's bound to leave a significant dent in a Sim's mood, and possibly make them not want to do anything.
4 Financial Solutions
There's so much that could be said about the economy in The Sims 4, because it's one of the biggest jokes ever. There's no economy, if we really think about it, and some objects have absolutely ridiculous prices. A roll of toilet paper for instance can cost 50 Simoleons, which is insane.
Similarly, anything can be sold and bought at any given time. If the pizza man is at the door and there's not enough money in the bank, Sims can just sell a window or a door quickly before paying them for the service. How convenient and weird, all at the same time.
3 Just BFF Things
Sims are usually decent at finding a good spot to stand in or sit in. But sometimes, strange things occur when their paths collide with another Sim, and the game just does that weird little thing where both Sims are standing on the exact same spot.
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It's unclear why this happens, but it happens all the time in various different ways and degrees. It's not uncommon to see some objects go through walls or even Sims walk through objects to get to where they're going. If only we had such powers in real life.
2 Call A Professional
The Sims 4 makes things extremely easy for players. Anyone can pretty much become anything they'd like if they just spend a few hours per day developing a skill. It's a scary thought, but the best surgeons in the Sim world are those who sank hours upon hours of their free time into playing chess.
Similarly, talking in front of a mirror will turn any Sim into an absolute charmer, and qualify them for any celebrity position. And let's not even talk about how easy it is for aspiring burglars to find criminal jobs in the local newspaper of all places. The worklife of Sims sure is bizarre, and far too simple.
1 It's High Fashion
Ah, townies. The Sims games wouldn't be the same without these utterly strange and quirky creatures that appear on public lots or in the nearby streets wearing the strangest clothing known to humankind. We've all been there as players, zooming in on a random townie to admire their hideously flashy outfit of the day.
Players who have script mods and custom content added will have even wilder surprises pop up in their games, from terrible mix-and-match outfits to very strange hair colors and styles. Maybe it's just high fashion in the Sim world?
NEXT: Sims 4: All The Worlds, Ranked
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